Sofia ACX started with the 2021 Meetups Everywhere round. We have Serious Meetups once per month at which we discuss a blog post, a short story, or a book (for instance, The Scout Mindset, The Money Illusion, The Metropolitan Man); and sporadic non-serious social meetups that mostly include getting dinner, going on a walk, watching a film, or playing board games. Attendance hovers around 6-8 people out of a pool of 13.
Newcomers are especially welcome, so if you're hesitating whether to come to an event, please feel extra encouraged to drop by. Reach out to the contact email if you have any doubts.
If you're only going to be in Sofia for a short time and there isn't a scheduled meetup during your stay, please also do email the organiser - we might be able to organise something on short notice.