I will bet 500 karma that a funny picture thread will appear on Less Wrong within one year. If anyone is interested in the bet, we can better define terms.
Right now the LW software doesn't support karma transfers. Until it does and we can develop a more robust prediction market, let's just record the karma transfers on the wiki page that already exists for this purpose.
I will also give 100 karma to anyone that donates $10 to the SIAI before the current fundraising campaign is over.
10,000 karma for the first person with a karma transfer source code patch?
Karma provides an incentive structure for the production of LessWrong content; changing that structure without understanding the possible consequences, good and ill, might be unadvisable.
On the other hand, creating a new "play" currency, redeemable in donations and tied to various games that exercise the skills valued by this community - such as good calibration and discrimination - that could be a useful and fun project.
I agree. It seems that most people have a standby rationality mode which kicks in when their personal interests come into play.