No invitations to Benton House have been forthcoming for the last couple months, so I thought we might do one located in a restaurant somewhere. I would suggest Holder's Country Inn, but if anyone else has any suggestions, I'm more than willing to change venue. I would suggest a meeting time of 7, but that is also amenable to change.
Edit: We're meeting at the Inn. I'll be out front at 7 with a sign saying Less Wrong.
A summary of the event:
Three people including myself showed up. We had a decent discussion of the meaning of subjective probability under various conditions, as well as many digressions, into fields such a deconversion and the meaning of worthiness as it applies to fiction. We left the restaurant and went to Benton House where we chatted for about an hour before I left.
Hey, sorry I missed it; out of the country right now. I'll be up for more meetups in the fall though!