This is our monthly thread for collecting arbitrarily contrived scenarios in which somebody gets tortured for 3^^^^^3 years, or an infinite number of people experience an infinite amount of sorrow, or a baby gets eaten by a shark, etc. and which might be handy to link to in one of our discussions. As everyone knows, this is the most rational and non-obnoxious way to think about incentives and disincentives.
- Please post all infinite-torture scenarios separately, so that they can be voted up/down separately. (If they are strongly related, reply to your own comments. If strongly ordered, then go ahead and post them together.)
- No more than 5 infinite-torture scenarios per person per monthly thread, please.
The probability of this is much lower than 1%.
However, the fact that it is posted here increases its probability by orders of magnitude, precisely on account of the argument made in the second paragraph: now all someone has to do is to make it happen, just to prove a point. Previously, they had to come up with the exact scenario, which means that previously it was orders of magnitude less probable.
Why are people so interested in increasing the chances of us being tortured?
This is an excellent point. Somebody should make a chain letter sort of thing about something really GOOD happening, and then get it posted everywhere, and maybe with enough comments we can increase the probability of that by orders of magnitude!
And if you don't repost it, you'll be trapped in ohio for 7000000000000000.2 years.
Or does it only work with bad things?