This is our monthly thread for collecting arbitrarily contrived scenarios in which somebody gets tortured for 3^^^^^3 years, or an infinite number of people experience an infinite amount of sorrow, or a baby gets eaten by a shark, etc. and which might be handy to link to in one of our discussions. As everyone knows, this is the most rational and non-obnoxious way to think about incentives and disincentives.
- Please post all infinite-torture scenarios separately, so that they can be voted up/down separately. (If they are strongly related, reply to your own comments. If strongly ordered, then go ahead and post them together.)
- No more than 5 infinite-torture scenarios per person per monthly thread, please.
I really don't see how you could have drawn that conclusion. It's not like anyone here is actually worried about being forced to choose between torture and dust specks, or being accosted by Omega and required to choose one box or two, or being counterfactually mugged. (And, if you were wondering, we don't actually think Clippy is a real paperclip maximizer, either.) "Torture" is a convenient, agreeable stand-in for "something very strongly negatively valued" or "something you want to avoid more than almost anything else that could happen to you" in decision problems. I think it works pretty well for that purpose.
Yes, a recent now-deleted post proposed a torture scenario as something that might actually happen, but it was not a typical case and not well-received. You need to provide more evidence that more than a few people here actually worry about that sort of thing, that it's more than just an Omega-like abstraction used to simplify decision problems by removing loopholes around thinking about the real question.
This isn't consistent with Roko's post here which took seriously the notion of a post Singularity FAI precommitting to torturing some people for eternity. ETA: Although it does seem that part of the reason that post was downvoted heavily was that most people considered the situation ridiculous.