In You Provably Can't Trust Yourself, Eliezer tried to figured out why his audience didn't understand his meta-ethics sequence even after they had followed him through philosophy of language and quantum physics. Meta-ethics is my specialty, and I can't figure out what Eliezer's meta-ethical position is. And at least at this point, professionals like Robin Hanson and Toby Ord couldn't figure it out, either.
Part of the problem is that because Eliezer has gotten little value from professional philosophy, he writes about morality in a highly idiosyncratic way, using terms that would require reading hundreds of posts to understand. I might understand Eliezer's meta-ethics better if he would just cough up his positions on standard meta-ethical debates like cognitivism, motivation, the sources of normativity, moral epistemology, and so on. Nick Beckstead recently told me he thinks Eliezer's meta-ethical views are similar to those of Michael Smith, but I'm not seeing it.
If you think you can help me (and others) understand Eliezer's meta-ethical theory, please leave a comment!
Update: This comment by Richard Chappell made sense of Eliezer's meta-ethics for me.
While it's gratifying to win an argument, I'd rather not do it under false pretenses:
We need a solution to the utility monster problem if we're going to have a Friendly AI that cares about people's desires, so it's better to solve the utility monster problem than to give up on preference utilitarianism in part because you don't know how to solve the utility monster problem. I've sketched proposed solutions to two types of utility monsters, one that has one entity with large utility and one that has a large number of entities with modest utility. If these putative solutions seem wrong to you, please post bugs, fixes, or alternatives as replies to those comments.
I agree that preference utilitarianism has the problem that it doesn't free you from choosing how to weight the preferences. It also has the problem that you have to separate yourself into two parts, the part that gets to have its preference included in the weighted sum, and the part that has a preference that is the weighted sum. In reality there's only one of you, so that distinction is artificial.