[Edit: Issues, Bugs, and Requested Features should be tracked at Google Code, not here -- matt, 2010-04-23]
Less Wrong is still under construction. Please post any bugs or issues with Less Wrong to this thread. Try to keep each comment thread a clean discussion of each bug or issue.
Requested features... sure, go ahead, but bear in mind we may not be able to implement for a while.
We've just deployed a change that now caches all the sidebar elements both on the server and on the client. As a result its quite feasible that the top contributors may be a little out of sync with user profile page. Its cached for an hour so changes will only appear after an hour.
I'm getting no data in the sidebar except for in the OB feed.
That is, I see all the headers -- Recent Comments, Recent Posts, etc. but nothing underneath them.
ETA: That was in Firefox under Linux. Safari under Mac OS is doing fine.