Today's post, The Design Space of Minds-In-General was originally published on 25 June 2008. A summary (taken from the LW wiki):
When people talk about "AI", they're talking about an incredibly wide range of possibilities. Having a word like "AI" is like having a word for everything which isn't a duck.
Discuss the post here (rather than in the comments to the original post).
This post is part of the Rerunning the Sequences series, where we'll be going through Eliezer Yudkowsky's old posts in order so that people who are interested can (re-)read and discuss them. The previous post was The Psychological Unity of Humankind, and you can use the sequence_reruns tag or rss feed to follow the rest of the series.
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That's what I think every time someone brings up the idea of tortured sims. What are the odds of it happening?
The odds of that happening are almost entirely unrelated to the proportion of mind-space such torture machines make up. That kind of 'torture AI' is something that would be created - either chosen out of mind space deliberately or chosen by making a comparatively tiny error when aiming for a Friendly AI. It isn't the sort of thing that is just randomly selected.