Hey everyone,

I'm Kim Suozzi, a 23-year old brain cancer patient trying to secure cryopreservation before my death.

I know I haven't updated in awhile so I just wanted to check in and say how thankful I am for everyone that has been donating and supporting me so far. I've gotten way more of a response than I could have ever expected, and it's hard to find words regarding this whole thing, but I want you know that I am endlessly grateful for the hope you've already offered to me.

I have two days of radiation treatment left, then I'm off to hopefully pursue a clinical trial. Things are going well considering the circumstances; I have no big side effects other than being tired.

I updated the other day with a video, if anyone is interested:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lISC8I_IiCg


I also wanted to clarify that though The Society of Venturism is fundraising on my behalf, I also have a direct link to my paypal (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4WR8KS68RC6YY) for independent donations. However, I would like to move funds to the Venturists since they are third-party and a non-profit, that way people can be sure the funds go to cryo and nothing else. It looks like setting it up through the Society for Venturism is a better bet than going though CI or Alcor as it can be difficult to move funds in the case that you choose one company over the other or need to change things around with financing.


Anyway the Society for Venturim Charity is located here: http://venturist.info/kim-suozzi-charity.html, Sorry to repost since I know it's elsewhere already. I just wanted to try to put it all in one message since some others were asking.


I can't say this enough: thank you for all of you consideration and support through all of this,and to all those who have already donated. Maybe if I achieve reanimation, I can throw a party and show you guys what I'm really like, (not just your run-of-the-mill-dying-patient.)

Hope to meet you/ talk to you soon, whether in this time or much later.







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I just donated $100. I second the request for an update on funding progress. And I'm totally coming to the party on the other side. :)

I donated because I want to support cryonics movement-building, and Kim seems like a great poster child for this purpose.

Kim, I have no idea how much time free time you have, but given that you're in a little bit of a spotlight right now, you may be able to construct an opportunity to create a larger public discussion about cryonics through the media. Assuming your suspension is funded, that's probably one of the most impactful things you could do to increase the chances that you and other cryo patients will wake up.

I haven't met Kim or otherwise communicated with her, but I get the impression that she shows some of the signs of the cryonicist personality, however in a female package. For example, anthropologist Tiffany Romain, an outside observer, studied cryonicists using the tools of social science and wrote the paper, "Extreme Life Extension: Investing in Cryonics for the Long, Long Term," where she characterizes cryonicists as follows:


Cryonics is a particularly American social practice, created and taken up by a particular type of American: primarily a small faction of white, male, atheist, Libertarian, middle- and upper-middle-income, computer engineering ‘‘geeks’’ who believe passionately in the free market and its ability to support technological progress.

Not all cryonicists fit this profile, of course. But Kim, apparently an atheist libertarian who studies cognitive science at university, would probably fit in well with the cryonicist community even if she didn't feel such urgency to get her suspension arrangements in place. I would certainly welcome her, even if I probably wont't have the opportunity to become acquainted with her. I might have to wait to do that if we both make it to The Other Side. ; )

Of course, the cryonics movement needs to find ways to break out of its geek ghetto and appeal to the broader society.. Here evolutionary psychology could work to our advantage, because we have a bias towards helping the vulnerable women in our tribe of reproductive age, but in this case without having to use our bodies to shield them from bullets. I question the propriety of calling Kim cryonics' "poster child," but her plight humanizes cryonics in a way which doesn't come along very often.

Here evolutionary psychology could work to our advantage, because we have a bias towards helping the vulnerable women in our tribe of reproductive age, but in this case without having to use our bodies to shield them from bullets.

Can you be more specific about how you'd mobilize this instinct? Do you see examples of cryonics enthusiasts preferentially funding or pitching "vulnerable women in our tribe of reproductive age?"


I've donated $5,000, fulfilling my pledge.

Kim, may I make a small request? If you allow CI to publish your case report (like Robert Ettinger's, the "father of cryonics"), I and probably everyone else who's donated would be relieved to know when you've been successfully cryopreserved. Without family consent, CI publishes no details.

I truly wish you the best of luck.

I just donated $5,000 to your fund at the Society of Venturism, as promised.

Like Stephan, I really hope you make your goal.

I just donated $100. Thanks for posting the update! I would love to see you continuing to post blog updates and videos. The ones so far have been wonderful.

How much have you collected so far?

According to David Pizer, the Society of Venturism has raised about $7000 as of Aug 27.

Donated $100 - now to sign myself up...

If you want an update on what the Venturists have collected so far, please email David Pizer, President of the Society for Venturism, pizerdavid@yahoo.com .

I will send thank you messages to everyone who has donated through the Google Wallet button on the Venturists' website:. http://venturist.info/kim-suozzi-charity.html

May science speed you, Kim Suozzi.


Donated $50.

Best of luck.


I've contacted David Pizer, who reports $7k raised by the Society for Venturism, in addition to the $7k Kim has already raised herself. Additionally, there is a $10k life insurance policy which may be applicable. So, if everything goes perfectly, that's $24k right now - just $4k to a CI suspension!