1. Defining the problem: The inverted spectrum
A. Attempted solutions to the inverted spectrum.
B. The “substitution bias” of solving the “easy problem of consciousness” instead of the “hard problem.”
2. The false intuition of direct awareness
A. Our sense that the existence of raw experience is self-evident doesn’t show that it is true.
B. Experience can’t reveal the error in the intuition that raw experience exists.
C. We can’t capture the ineffable core of raw experience with language because there’s really nothing there.
D. We believe raw experience exists without detecting it.
3. The conceptual economy of qualia nihilism pays off in philosophical progress
4. Relying on the brute force of an intuition is rationally specious.
Against these considerations, the only argument for retaining raw experience in our ontology is the sheer strength of everyone’s belief in its existence. How much weight should we attach to a strong belief whose validity we can't check? None. Beliefs ordinarily earn a presumption of truth from the absence of empirical challenge, but when empirical challenge is impossible in principle, the belief deserves no confidence.
All the properties?
For my own part, my experience of perceiving inputs includes something that is shared among the times that I report the experience honestly, when I lie about the experience, and when I remain silent about the experience.
I see nothing in your sample code that is capable of supporting that behavior -- that is, your code either reports the experience or it doesn't, but there's no second thing that can either align with the report or conflict with it, or that can be shared between two runs of the program one of which reports the experience and one of which doesn't.
I conclude that my experience of perceiving inputs has relevant properties that your sample code does not.
I suspect that's true of everyone else, as well.
All the ones I though of in the moment.
Once you put in the functionality that it can lie about what it's experiencing (and crieteria for deciding when to lie), and functionality for testing those samenesses, I think it would have the properties you are looking for.
You could record that that sameness was there by r... (read more)