After the iterated prisoner's dilemma tournament organized by prase two years ago, there was discussion of running tournaments for several variants, including one in which two players submit programs, each of which are given the source code of the other player's program, and outputs either “cooperate” or “defect”. However, as far as I know, no such tournament has been run until now.
Here's how it's going to work: Each player will submit a file containing a single Scheme lambda-function. The function should take one input. Your program will play exactly one round against each other program submitted (not including itself). In each round, two programs will be run, each given the source code of the other as input, and will be expected to return either of the symbols “C” or “D” (for "cooperate" and "defect", respectively). The programs will receive points based on the following payoff matrix:
“Other” includes any result other than returning “C” or “D”, including failing to terminate, throwing an exception, and even returning the string “Cooperate”. Notice that “Other” results in a worst-of-both-worlds scenario where you get the same payoff as you would have if you cooperated, but the other player gets the same payoff as if you had defected. This is an attempt to ensure that no one ever has incentive for their program to fail to run properly, or to trick another program into doing so.
Your score is the sum of the number of points you earn in each round. The player with the highest score wins the tournament. Edit: There is a 0.5 bitcoin prize being offered for the winner. Thanks, VincentYu!
All submissions must be emailed to by July 5, at noon PDT (Edit: that's 19:00 UTC). Your email should also say how you would like to be identified when I announce the tournament results.
Each program will be allowed to run for 10 seconds. If it has not returned either “C” or “D” by then, it will be stopped, and treated as returning “Other”. For consistency, I will have Scheme collect garbage right before each run.
One submission per person or team. No person may contribute to more than one entry. Edit: This also means no copying from each others' source code. Describing the behavior of your program to others is okay.
I will be running the submissions in Racket. You may be interested in how Racket handles time (especially the (current-milliseconds) function), threads (in particular, “thread”, “kill-thread”, “sleep”, and “thread-dead?”), and possibly randomness.
Don't try to open the file you wrote your program in (or any other file, for that matter). I'll add code to the file before running it, so if you want your program to use a copy of your source code, you will need to use a quine. Edit: No I/O of any sort.
Unless you tell me otherwise, I assume I have permission to publish your code after the contest.
You are encouraged to discuss strategies for achieving mutual cooperation in the comments thread.
I'm hoping to get as many entries as possible. If you know someone who might be interested in this, please tell them.
It's possible that I've said something stupid that I'll have to change or clarify, so you might want to come back to this page again occasionally to look for changes to the rules. Any edits will be bolded, and I'll try not to change anything too drastically, or make any edits late in the contest.
Here is an example of a correct entry, which cooperates with you if and only if you would cooperate with a program that always cooperates (actually, if and only if you would cooperate with one particular program that always cooperates):
(lambda (x)
(if (eq? ((eval x) '(lambda (y) 'C)) 'C)
All right procrastinators, let's talk strategy. You want a bot that's unexploitable. Ideally, it should be as easy as possible for the opponent to prove that you'll do whatever they do. In a world of unexploitable bots, the bot that can achieve the most cooperation will win.
MimicBots fit all of these parameters. They make it clear that their opponent is choosing between (C, C) and (D, D). Against a MimicBot, (C, D) is not an option. MimicBots pass up some utility by cooperating with CooperateBot, but that's fine in this competition. You aren't playing against CooperateBot. You're playing against humans' bots, and I doubt that anyone is mad enough to submit a CooperateBot.
The biggest problem with a MimicBot is that it will time out when playing other MimicBots. The MimicBots will dive into an evaluation loop, where my bot evaluates yours on a quine of me, and you evaluate my quine on a quine of you, ad infinitum.
Your MimicBot has got to bottom out at some point if you don't want to risk timing out. If you find yourself diving into an evaluation loop you'd better bottom out into Cooperation.
Note that bottoming out into cooperation is not the same thing as cooperating at the top level. If the 100th simulation of you cooperates, and the 100th simulation of them sees that as a weakness and defects, then the 99th level of you will defect and so will the 98th and so on up to the top level, where mutual defection occurs.
I'm not asking you to cooperate when the other bot looks like they're going to time out. That's suicide. Rather, I'm pointing out that you can't just simulate me against you, because that loop will never end. You've got to simulate me against a version of you that is one step closer to cooperation. This is true no matter what strategy you choose. But let's consider the simple case: a MimicBot that simulates you on a copy of itself that simulates you on a copy of itself that eventually bottoms out into a bot that simulates you on CooperateBot.
Such a bot is a Rank N MimicBot, where N is the simulation depth at which it puts forth a CooperateBot.
Any particular Rank N is exploitable. For example, JusticeBot is a Rank 1 MimicBot — it bottoms out immediately by simulating you against CooperateBot. You can exploit JusticeBot by cooperating with CooperateBot and nobody else.
Notice, however, the price of exploiting JusticeBot: in order to exploit JusticeBot, you've got to cooperate with CooperateBot (a Rank 0 MimicBot).
As another example, consider a Rank 10 MimicBot. It simulates the opponent against a Rank 9 MimicBot. You can exploit an Rank 10 MimicBot if and only if you're willing to cooperate with a Rank 9 MimicBot.
In general, you can exploit a Rank N MimicBot by cooperating with a Rank (N-1) MimicBot.
The trick here is that the opponent doesn't know which MimicBot they'll be playing. They have to guess exactly right to exploit you. If they guess high, mutual cooperation is achieved (If you guess I'm a Rank 10 you'll cooperate with a Rank 9). If they guess low, mutual defection is achieved. (If you defect against Rank 10, Rank 11 will not cooperate with you.) You can only be exploited if they guess your rank precisely.
Therefore, I advocate that we get a bunch of us together to play Rank N MimicBots. We all pick our own N, possibly randomized. Note that Rank N MimicBots will achieve mutual cooperation with any MimicBot of any rank (including CooperateBot, JusticeBot, and MimicBots who don't bottom out). Anyone trying to exploit us will only be able to exploit a specific rank, at the price of cooperation with a lower rank and the risk of defection from higher ranks. So long as we have a wide spread of ranks, our MimicBot clique will be internally cooperative and unexploitable in aggregate.
On Tolerance
MimicBot cooperates with CooperateBot. That leaves utility lying on the table. This may irk you (if you expect anyone was dumb enough to play CooperateBot). More irksome is the fact that MimicBot cooperates with JusticeBot. There is at least one JusticeBot in play, and we should expect that many non-procrastinators have submitted bots who exploit that JusticeBot. It would be a shame for our Rank N MimicBots to miss a shot at cooperation with bots who special-case defection against JusticeBot.
Therefore I recommend submitting MimicBots of rank 3 or higher. This gives people a little leeway to exploit CooperateBot or JusticeBot as they please, and allows us a broader range of mutual cooperation with bots who have already been submitted.
On choosing N
I recommend choosing a highish N. Very low N is obviously a bad idea. Playing rank 0 (CooperateBot) is suicidal. Playing rank 1 (JusticeBot) exposes you to exploitation by everyone who's decided to kick wubble's JusticeBot. Beyond rank 1 all the Ranks are theoretically similar, but you've got to consider what other bots will do. It's conceivable that some bots won't believe they're playing a MimicBot until they hit a deep enough recursion depth. It's possible that some bots will (incorrectly) think that you're exploitable if you return too quickly. Therefore I recommend a high N.
If you're particularly paranoid, consider randomizing N. Humans are notoriously bad at picking random numbers, and the MimicBot clique could in theory be exploited by a bot who exploits the ranks that humans are more likely to pick. Setting your counter to
(+ 3 (random 1000))
is a quick way to counter that.You can also shake things up a bit by using non-standard counters. For example, you could write a Timed MimicBot which passes down the initial time (instead of a counter) to its quines and puts forth a CooperateBot after a certain amount of time has passed (instead of when the counter hits zero).
How do I write one of these?
You write one of these with a degrading quine. Each level should evaluate the opponent against a slightly weeker version of itself. You can do this easily by putting a counter in your bot. So long as the counter is positive, the quining function should return a quine with the counter decremented. Once the counter hits zero, the quining function should return a CooperateBot.
Sounds nice, but how do I write a 'degrading quine'?
It's actually pretty easy in scheme.
(quine (lambda (code) 'placeholder))
and(template 'placeholder)
. Write the rest of your logic, pretending that(quine template)
generates a child quine.If you make any more code changes after this process, remember to mirror them in your template. It will end up having this form:
In order to make your MimicBot bottom out, you'll want to define a
that is similarly flexible. It should be along the lines of((eval them) (quine template))
so long as the counter is positive and#t
when the counter gets to zero. The body of the letrec can then be as simple as(if predicate 'C 'D)
.You'll want some extra code to spawn the simulation in a thread and kill it if it goes overtime and so on.
If we all write bots like this, we can form a very powerful group capable of a wide range of mutual cooperation and very difficult to exploit.
Join me. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.
Now that the contest is over, I will observe that contrary to your first claim...'s actually rather nontrivial to prove that your "MimicBot" does the same thing as you, since it doesn't run your program against itself, it runs your program against a different program. For example, PrudentBot defects against any of your MimicBots, since it can prove that "JusticeBot defects a... (read more)