Discussion of buckling-spring keyboards, which give accurate tactile feedback. You can get them for about $70, and a lot of people swear by them.
Here's my RSI story: Some years ago, I was getting a lot of pain in my right elbow, presumably as + result of excessive Blockout (3D tetris), counted crosstitch, and being polite for no good reason to someone I was very angry at when I was under stress. Rest was not helping. I remember needing to sign a bunch of checks, and using my right hand for the signatures and my left for the account numbers, and it was still hard on my elbow.
The Way of Energy is an excellent introduction to Taoist standing meditation. I worked up to being able to do twenty minutes of just plain standing and twenty minutes of holding a balloon (arms circled at a little below shoulder level) a day. After mere weeks, my elbow problem went away and never came back. Subjectively, I hit a point in meditation where it became obvious to me that I was using more effort to stand than I needed to, and I could just let go of the excess tension.
This is one of the general principles of movement theorists - that our muscles are habitually clenched with unnecessary strain which saps our energy and makes sensing movement precisely, and thereby executing movement precisely, difficult. They generally wouldn't say just to let go - you want your muscles active in sensing what you're doing, though letting go is good for being able to sense the difference between being clenched and being relaxed, and so to notice when you are in a clenched state.
If you're interested in neuromuscular control theory, I recommend Moshe Feldenkrais, Thomas Hanna, Lulu Sweigart, and Mable Todd.
This is precisely what slow Tai Chi forms are designed to deal with.