you should always have a dummy option in public internet polls. This will help weed out those who just have to vote, even if the choices are not applicable to them ;-)
As Alex says, just add an option for "lol, wut?" to every poll to weed out people who might otherwise vote randomly for the hell of it. :P
Should be an Austin, TX meet up. It's like the Bay Area, but a hell of a lot more affordable :)
I live within driving distance of New York City. I do not plan to attend any such event in California in person.
I do as Eliezer says have my GMU colleagues to talk to, but even so we might consider having a DC area meetup sometime. Maybe we should see how the Bay Area version turns out first.
Central Ohio anyone?
It's a lot like the Bay Area, or Austin, except well...
ok I'm deluding myself - it's not at all like the Bay Area or Austin.
At the risk of revealing my ignorance, at a meeting of Bayesians, who would do the talking? I would attend Eliezer's gathering just to observe and absorb.
I'm up in Sonoma County -- how about something teleconferenced via Skype, or something multipoint?
Looks like there had been 52 responses before me.. I hope I am free to attend (I'm in Berkeley..)
A long way off yet... but given the hopefully growing correlation, how about another one at the time and town of the next Singularity Summit?
Nick: Look at . To paraphrase two CMU statisticians at once: if Bayesianism is a cult, Duke is its Sodom & Gomorrah.
Coincidentally or not: my blog and this blog are the first two Google hits to bayesian+sodom+and+gomorrah
What about a Boston/Cambridge-area meetup? This seems to be another area that would be appropriate for such a thing. Though, of course, no OB writers are from around here afaik.
Robin Hanson has his fellow GMU economists to talk to, but I'm not associated with a university and I live way out in the boondocks: the echoing emptiness of, er, Silicon Valley.
Overcoming Bias gets over 2000 visitors per day. Surely some of you are from the Bay Area. Would you be interested in a Bay Area meetup of Overcoming Bias readers?
Polls after the jump.
If you're interested at all, please vote in at least the closest-city poll.
Polls will be processed for a best-compromise value, not a binding modal result.
If I get at least 30 responses, I'll start looking into meetup locations.