This thread is for asking any questions that might seem obvious, tangential, silly or what-have-you. Don't be shy, everyone has holes in their knowledge, though the fewer and the smaller we can make them, the better.
Please be respectful of other people's admitting ignorance and don't mock them for it, as they're doing a noble thing.
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That doesn't actually answer my original question--I'll try writing out the full proof.
P or not-P is true in PA
Also, because of that, if p -> q and not(p)-> q then q--use rules of distribution over and/or
2: If provable(P), provable(P) by: switch if p then p to not p or p, premise 1
3: if not(provable(P)) Then provable( if provable(P) then P): since if p then q=not p or q and not(not(p))=p
4: therefore, if not(provable(P)) then provable(P): 3 and Lob's theorem
5: Therefore Provable(P): By premise 2, line 2, and line 4.
Where's the flaw? Is it between lines 3 and 4?
I think step 3 is wrong. Expanding out your logic, you are saying that if not(provable(P)), then (if provable(P) then P), then provable(if provable(P) then P). The second step in this chain is wrong, because there are true facts about PA that we can prove, that PA cannot prove.