You already know by now that truth is undefinable: by a famous result of Tarski, no formal system powerful enough (from now on, just system) can consistently talk about the truth of its own sentences.
You may however not know that Hamkins proved that truth is holistic.
Let me explain: while no system can talk about its own truth, it can nevertheless talk about the truth of its own substructures. For example, in every model of ZFC (the standard axioms of set theory) you can consistently define a model of standard arithmetics and a predicate that works as arithmetics' truth predicate. This can happen because ZFC is strictly more powerful than PA (the axioms of standard arithmetics).
Intuitively, one could think that if you have the same substructure in two different models, what they believe is the truth about that substructure is the same in both. Along this line, two models of ZFC ought to believe the same things about standard arithmetics.
However, it turns out this is not the case. Two different models extending ZFC may very well agree on which entities are standard natural numbers, and yet still disagree about which arithmetic sentences are true or false. For example, they could agree about the standard numbers, how the successor and addition operator works, and yet disagree on multiplication (corollary 7.1 in Hamkins' paper).
This means that when you can talk consistently about the truth of a model (that is, when you are in a more powerful formal system), that truth depends not only on the substructure, but on the entire structure you're immersed in. Figuratively speaking, local truth depends on global truth. Truth is holistic.
There's more: suppose that two model agree on the ontology of some common substructure. Suppose also that they agree about the truth predicate on that structure: they could still disagree about the meta-truths. Or the meta-meta-truths, etc., for all the ordinal levels of the definable truth predicates.
Another striking example from the same paper. There are two different extensions of set theory which agree on the structure of standard arithmetics and on the members of a subset A of natural numbers, and yet one thinks that A is first-order definable while the other thinks it's not (theorem 10).
Not even "being a model of ZFC" is an absolute property: there are two models which agree on an initial segment of the set hierarchy, and yet one thinks that the segment is a model of ZFC while the other proves that it's not (theorem 12).
Two concluding remarks: what I wrote was that there are different models which disagrees the truth of standard arithmetics, not that every different model has different arithmetic truths. Indeed, if two models have access one to the truth relation of the other, then they are bound to have the same truths. This is what happens for example when you prove absoluteness results in forcing.
I'm also remembered of de Blanc's ontological crises: changing ontology can screw with your utility function. It's interesting to note that updating (that is, changing model of reality) can change what you believe even if you don't change ontology.
First of all, let me issue a warning: model-theoretic truth is a mathematical notion, which (a priori) doesn't have anything to do with the real-world sense of truth!
A short introduction to model theory follows. It is not LW quality, but hopefully it's good enough to answer some questions about MrMind's post. Prerequisites: merely some familiarity with formal reasoning, but I guess knowing the Mental Concepts of Model Theory doesn't hurt.
The 1st part is the general introduction to model theory, the examples about non-standard models are in the 2nd and 3rd parts.
1 Models explained
Axioms are the starting points of formal reasoning. A collection (system) of axioms is inconsistent if it is possible to prove a contradiction using them. E.g. consider the following system of three axioms.
This system is inconsistent, because the contradiction "Socrates is mortal and Socrates is not mortal" is a consequence of the axioms. On the other hand, the following system (from now on referred to as the example system) is not inconsistent:
Inconsistent systems are liars: the conclusions derived from them cannot be trusted. ^1 Axiomatic systems can be defined for many specific purposes (mathematics, ethics, et c.). Hopefully I don't have to explain why an inconsistent system of ethics would be disastrous. We would like some assurance that our frameworks are not inconsistent: proofs of consistency!
Proofs of consistency are possible because mathematicians have agreed upon a powerful axiomatic system, the Set Theory ZFC that they believe to be consistent. ^3
Take any axiomatic theory S. Sometimes, you can re-label the axioms of S to be about mathematical objects. This is possible if
All quantifiers that occur in the axioms can be restricted to range over some given set M (in the example system, you would replace "All men" with "All men belonging to the set M*").
Each symbol occuring in the axioms can be identified with an element of the set M (in the example system you would interpret the word "Socrates" to refer to some specific element of the set M).
Each predicate occuring in the axioms can be identified with a subset of the set M (in the example system you would interpret "is a man" by a subset of M, and "is mortal" by another subset of M).
The sentences of S, when interpreted this way, are consequences of the axioms of ZFC.
Such sets M, whenever they exist, are called the models of S. The set of numbers less than 5 {0,1,2,3,4} is a model of the example system, because you can
Interpret the symbol "Socrates" as referring to the number 1.
Interpret the predicate "is a man" as the subset of odd numbers; this means that you consider 1 and 3 men, but not 0, 2 and 4.
Interpret the predicate "is mortal" as the subset of numbers less than 4; this means that you consider 0, 1, 2 and 3 to be mortals, but not 4.
Now, the sentence "All men are mortal" means "All odd numbers in M are less than 3", which is a true mathematical statement that you can prove using the axioms of ZFC.
The sentence "Socrates is a man" means "The number 1 is odd", which is again a true mathematical statement that can be proved from the axioms of ZFC.
The relabeling interprets the axioms and consequences of S as true mathematical statements (the form of the statements is preserved, even if meaning is not). If a contradiction follows from the axioms of S, then it can be relabeled into a contradiction in mathematics (ZFC). Therefore, every axiomatic system that has a model is at least as consistent as mathematics itself: giving a model amounts to giving a consistency proof. We say that this consistency proof is relative to ZFC.
It can be demonstrated that Model Theory is the most general method of giving consistency proofs (relative to ZFC): if ZFC proves that a system is consistent then the system has a model, and vice versa.
^1 There are also consistent liars. Observing an inconsistency is sufficient to conclude that an axiom system is a liar, but it is not necessary.
^2 Observe that we still have no assurance about the consistency of this general-purpose system.
^3 This is not entirely true, but it is a reasonable non-technical explanation.
^4 Unfortunately, the satisfaction relation "satisfied in a model" is commonly referred to as true in a model. Worst of all, "X is satisfied in the standard model" is sometimes abbreivated to X is true, giving these results a false aura of deep philosophical relevance.
2. A multitude of models
As a general rule, consistent theories have multiple models. Models have more consequences than the theories they model: for example, our model of the example system proves that there are only 2 men, even though this does not follow from the axioms. A sentence follows from the axioms only if it is satisfied in every possible model of S. ^4
Even the axiomatic theory of natural number arithmetic, which we would think is absolute, has multiple models. Mathematicians have agreed on a standard model (the so-called set of natural numbers),... (read more)