DeepMind's go AI, called AlphaGo, has beaten the European champion with a score of 5-0. A match against top ranked human, Lee Se-dol, is scheduled for March.
Games are a great testing ground for developing smarter, more flexible algorithms that have the ability to tackle problems in ways similar to humans. Creating programs that are able to play games better than the best humans has a long history
But one game has thwarted A.I. research thus far: the ancient game of Go.
I think you misunderstood me (but that's my fault for being opaque, cadence is hard to convey in text). I was being sarcastic. In other words, I don't need EY's opinion, I can just look at the problem myself (as you guys say "argument screens authority.")
Look, I met EY and chatted with him. I don't think EY is "evil," exactly, in a way that L. Ron Hubbard was. I think he mostly believes his line (but humans are great at self-deception). I think he's a flawed person, like everyone else. It's just that he has an enormous influence on the rationalist community that immensely magnify the damage his normal human flaws and biases can do.
I always said that the way to repair human frailty issues is to treat rationality as a job (rather than a social club), and fellow rationalists as coworkers (rather than tribe members). I also think MIRI should stop hitting people up for money and get a normal funding stream going. You know, let their ideas of how to avoid UFAI compete in the normal marketplace of ideas.
Currently MIRI gets their funding by 1) donations 2) grants. Isn't that exactly what the normal funding stream for non-profits is?