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But that's what you're mostly doing in your post. I will bring this up below.
I don't think everyone shares that view, at least it's not for me. I don't know if I am contradicting myself, though. If someone was similar but in differing in opinion then me. The contradiction would then lie under if I told you the world is your mirror.
That's what he said, of course it's kind of harsh, but it's his way of going on these things I think, I don't know why or what's most effective but for myself I am unaffected or in the positive. That might be just because I agree.
By becoming aware of the emotions that you are suppressing, not the "feeling emotions" rationally because the reason of emotion is rational.
There is awareness of thoughts, not only thoughts, and the awareness is not a thought. That is a definition game of what is a thought, consider it being different from awareness.
Yes, you don't have a thought of a thought, you have awareness of thought. Otherwise, you're trapped in thinking and don't know that there is something else.
See how he never mentions the larger context of an understanding of relativity itself? But the context of which sounds and symbols make up our "reality".
You missed the point, there was nothing said about affecting the understanding of relativity, you fell into the exact paradigm which the video said.
The larger context of the symbols and sounds on the paper. Not the theory itself according to physicists. That's the matrix.
He gave the specifics right after that, rationality itself. Asking about the premises which make rationality possible.
It seems like you disagree on numerous points, but not being aware of it. Like Einstein's equation is simply symbols and sounds (and pretty much everything else which you give attribute to)
Let's say the rational mind cannot understand something, why continue to use the rational mind? Is there something else? Maybe awareness? There might be something worth pursuing there.
Now I know I am not responding to my quote of your text. Rationality is wrong because of rationality itself. It cannot be right without the right context. The context of which rationality exists. Where thinking exists. Which is "outside" the subjective experience according to you. That's the whole point. It's right under your nose if you'd bother to meditate and separate awareness from thoughts.
Well. You're capable of becoming aware as well. It's not a radical difference. :)
Suppressing emotions has nothing to do with rationality as understood by this community. We aren't straw vulcans. Giving a speech of why straw vulcanism is bad, is no speech that provides a good critique of what we consider rationalism to be.