I think we need a discussion thread for the californian drought going on. I would like to compile information in the main post and would like help compiling it. If we really are proud to be effective altruists then this is an area we should really figure out.
- http://ca.gov/drought/
- http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cdecapp/resapp/getResGraphsMain.action
- http://www.californiadrought.org/
- http://pacinst.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2015/04/CA-Ag-Water-Use.pdf
- http://www.californiadrought.org/the-state-of-the-california-drought-still-very-bad/
- Read this: http://pacinst.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2013/02/ca_drought_impacts_full_report3.pdf
Any one have any good ideas on how we can help?
Letting market prices reign everywhere, but providing a universal basic income is the usual economic solution.