A lot of people probably saw this on hacker news but I thought I'd share it anyway - People are biased against creative ideas, studies find
To sum up, most people dislike uncertainty so much that they'll reject pretty much anything new, good or not. The article states that "Anti-creativity bias can be so subtle that people are unaware of it, which can interfere with their ability to recognize a creative idea." By "creative idea," I of course mean lawful creativity - the article seems to suggest that at a certain point, every creative suggestion starts to sound about as useful as "let's put pictures of purple unicorns on the wall to help ourselves be more productive," if you're biased enough.
What's a good way to fight this? Obviously solving the problem of being creative is a totally different matter. But I would suggest the usual "if you were a different person injected into your own life to improve things" approach and start by taking every single suggestion seriously and thinking it through as if you were only dealing with the issue for the very first time, and then as time went on, improve at making quick unbiased evaluations of creative ideas.
The rationalist viewpoint seems to add a key point that is missing in the acutal article: the motivation why people would say they desire creativity. Signalling, of course.