I'm spending the summer working to update lesswrong, and one of the changes we're looking to implement is changing the "New on Overcoming Bias" part of the sidebar to a more general "New on Rationality Blogs".  What blogs would you like to see represented?

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Poll for ranking popularity, using http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/List_of_Blogs :

Ozy's blog has been taken down.

I've removed Ozy, deleted the duplicate Christiano, and updated the wiki page accordingly.

:( Temporarily I hope.

Christiano is listed twice.

Confused about how this poll works. Do I need to have an opinion about every blog on this list to vote?

No; you can vote on an arbitrary subset. For example, I left out one blog when I was voting on them and had to go back and vote on that one as well. And if you look at them, you'll notice differing vote counts for where people decided to express an opinion: eg. right now protokol2020 has 17 total votes, but lucidian has 19 total votes.

Aretae isn't me, I just suggested his blog a while back. He is, as far as I know, a member of the LessWrong community, although I believe a silent one here.

Also, my blog isn't exactly rationality-oriented.

My personal suggestions would be:

You Are Not So Smart is specifically about cognitive biases.

Perhaps instead of a semi-fixed selection of blogs there could instead be a some sort of Reddit/Hacker News like way for users/editors to submit and vote on particular articles. That way we'd be able to pick up an occasional good post from a blog full of pet photos, or drop irrelevant ones from mostly good blogs. More work, but more useful.

http://www.reddit.com/r/lesswrong/ already exists but has never seen much uptake.


blogs by lwers is a good place to start.

Slate Star Codex
The View From Hell
Rationalist Conspiracy

Yeah, I'd like to see a feed of all blogs by lwers that are still active.

Disclosure of conflict of interest: One of those blogs is mine.

What's going to be the procedure for adding blogs to this feed going forward? I'm not the only one who'd be more inclined to have a blog if I was guaranteed this level of exposure, am I?

Eventually, each user will be able to specify which blogs to construct the feed from in their preferences.

Hm, that seems like overkill. If I wanted to manage a feed of blogs, I'd use an RSS reader. And there will always be a default set of blogs shown to non-logged-in users and users who haven't modified their preferences (though, maybe this could be aggregated somehow based on the users who did modify their preferences?)

Have you thought about soliciting Less Wrong users for feature ideas for you to implement, by the way? Think I've got a list of features I was considering implementing myself somewhere on my hard drive... I'd expect some features to be 10x or more as valuable as others, so figuring out which features to work on seems like a good use of time.

If you want to suggest a feature, put it here.

(Suggested an idea.)

How would you feel about a thread devoted to brainstorming feature ideas?

Do people here read Ribbonfarm?

I recommend the blog Maximum Entropy

I could suggest David Brin but he does talk about politics a lot.

More Right.

I'd add unenumerated, but it hasn't been updated in nearly a year.

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