In this essay I argue the following:
Brain emulation requires enormous computing power; enormous computing power requires further progression of Moore’s law; further Moore’s law relies on large-scale production of cheap processors in ever more-advanced chip fabs; cutting-edge chip fabs are both expensive and vulnerable to state actors (but not non-state actors such as terrorists). Therefore: the advent of brain emulation can be delayed by global regulation of chip fabs.
Full essay:
This post was ALL about rational debate. This is a highly calculated assessment of the fragility of Moore's Law. THis is the kind of stuff government advisors would probably have figured out by now. If you say this helps terrorists (which is ironic because the conclusion was only airbombing can stop fabrication, and terrorists don't have access to that yet), well this is also highly useful to anyone who wants to stop terrorists.
The conclusion is highly interesting. If a war was to break out today between developed nations, taking out the other's fabricators and nuclear capabilities must be the highest priorities.