There are many things I would like to do, or even to make a habit of doing… and yet I procrastinate a lot.
Yeah, I know, pretty uncommon, right?
It’s pretty easy to find, either here or elsewhere, a lot of methods to fight procrastination, that work more or less well. Most of those will involve, at least as part of the process, things like making to-do lists, or generally some kind of writing down that [some specific thing] is what you want to be productive about, what you want to get done. Similarly (and sometimes even more so) with things that aren’t obviously to-do lists, like Beeminder, where you have to commit to having a look at your goal page every day and keep a log of how you’ve been doing.
In my case, it seems like most of what these things do is to create aversion and defeat their own purpose.
I’ve tried Beeminder, failed to keep up with my commitment once, read that post about how it was no reason to give up entirely… and gave up anyway. Beeminder was now something I could fail, so I started to avoid thinking of it, to avoid thinking of that commitment. I still have that goal there on the app, and have been dutifully adding a data point every day, but at this point I’m just making them up. I’ve similarly tried making to-do lists, but they just seem to drift away from me like stereotypical New Year resolutions, which I assume is again some kind of avoidance: do I want to be reminded every day that I won’t have the time to do everything I’ve got to do, after all? Do I want to see yesterday’s tasks pile up at the top of this morning’s list? No! And so, it starts with ‘finally, a convenient system to keep track of my goals!’, and I do it for a day, two days, a week… and then two weeks later I’ve forgotten about it entirely. (me suddenly remembering a cool new tool for making to-do list I was supposedly using may or may not have been what sparked the writing of this question…).
As I’m writing this, I realise I’m talking about the phenomenon of avoidance in general much more than about to-do list and similar tools specifically. Maybe I’m just worse at avoidance than other people, and the goal-tracking systems at my disposal are already as good as those get? That’s very much a possibility. Yet, productivity issues and issues with achieving goals similar to what I’m describing seem both common and likely to be often caused by the same sort of avoidance mechanisms I’m talking about, so maybe people who design productivity and goal-tracking systems did find a way to solve that problem?
Hence my question: is there a better way? Are there good goal-tracking systems that won’t create that kind of avoidance? Or other advice on how to minimise avoidance in goal-tracking?
Most of the harm in superstimuli comes from the lack of a need for personal effort to obtain the gratification (and the lack of a need to run any risk). Life for a person is supposed to be rewarding and gratifying (or at least to hold out a realistic chance of becoming rewarding and gratifying), but obtaining those rewards is supposed to take effort (and patience, discomfort and some risk or danger).
I personally have found that if I impose on myself the rule that I am not allowed any superstimuli till I've done at least a few hours of work that day, what superstimuli I do use seems to prove less harmful to me even though my brain knows that the only reason the reward consistently follows the effort is because of a bullshit rule I've imposed on myself as opposed to being an unavoidable property of the environment.
Also, if you can manage (e.g., during a vacation) to avoid superstimuli for a month, your motivation should return to almost-normal or almost-healthy levels if the superstimuli were the cause of the motivational problem because 30 days is about how long it takes for the "dopaminergic" circuits in the brain to return to their normal levels of sensitivity. I.e., a "dopamine fast" can be a good diagnostic tool if you can sustain the fast for a month or at least most of a month.
ADDED. For a while I was keeping my cable modem unplugged till 11 AM every day (and I don't have any games or porn on my computer). That is not possible in some jobs I realize.