The signaling view of college holds that graduates of elite colleges earn high average salaries not because of what they learned in school but rather because top colleges select for students who have highly valued traits, the two most important probably being high IQ and strong work ethic. Since in rich countries almost every smart, hard working person attends college not going to college sends a loud negative signal to potential employers. Elite colleges, of course, are fantastically expensive signaling devices.
Although I teach at an elite college I have a proposal for an alternate much less expensive and probably even more accurate signaling mechanism. An organization could have a one month program which only admits those who get a high score on the SATs or some other intelligence test. Then the entire program would consist of spending sixteen hours a day solving by hand simple addition and subtraction problems. The point of the program would be to show that its graduates can spend a huge amount of time doing extremely boring tasks with high accuracy. Graduating from the program would signal that you had both a high IQ and strong work ethic.
If the program had a reputation for graduating valuable employees then I suspect it would become desirable to many recent high school graduates. The challenge would be for the program to initially earn its reputation. Perhaps it could accomplish this by having some well-known backers, by giving big cash grants to its first few graduates or by promising the first few graduates attractive jobs such as at the SIAI.
I think your proposed program would not be valuable because colleges do, for the most part, make available the skills for thinking and communicating more clearly. And getting a degree does, for the most part, mean that the person is capable of sustained, organized work on challenging tasks that require creative application of a large skill set. In other words, they can be successful at a profession.
All colleges are going to have some bad students, and some of those students will be able to cheat their way through without learning much. But most professors want to see both creativity and diligence in their students' work, and they grade accordingly. (I should note that my university experiences are mostly large state universities. I don't have much exposure to elite schools or the students that attended them.)
In my experience, smart people who try college and don't finish (for reasons other than financial or the like) are not very good at working for others. They sometimes make great entrepreneurs, but I wouldn't want them working for me until they'd built up a lot of real world experience and demonstrated they can succeed. Smart people who never go to college I don't have much experience with
If your first paragraph is correct then the signaling model of education is false and my program wouldn't/shouldn't succeed.