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I've been wondering a lot about whether or not I'm acting rationally with regards to the fact that I will never again be as young as I am now.
So I've been trying to make a list of things I can only do while I'm young, so that I do not regret missing the opportunity later (or at least rationally decided to skip it). I'm 27 so I've already missed a lot of the cliche advice aimed at high school students about to enter college, and I'm already happily engaged so that cuts out some other things.
Any thoughts on opportunities only available at a certain age?
One point, just a nitpick: I would suggest not to aim to act "rationally." Aim to win. I may be assuming overmuch about your intended meaning, but remember, if your goal is to do what is rational rather than to do what is best/right/winning, you'll be confused.
That said, I understand what you mean. There are activities I know can done now, in youth, that, while maybe not impossible in my 40s, 50s, or 60s, would be more difficult.
First, your health. Work out, eat right, stay clean. Do everything that can maximize your health NOW and do it to th... (read more)