Hello! I'm looking for community members to read speeches at the Bay Winter Solstice event this year. If you're interested, please email me at ozybrennan@gmail.com by the end of November 17 with the speeches you're potentially interested in. I'll ask you to record yourself reading it (no need to be particularly polished).   

I am currently auditioning for:

(The list is tentative and does not include all speeches at Solstice.)

For starred items, I am only including an excerpt of the speech, so please email me to get the excerpt I'm using before you record! 

As a reminder, the event itself will be the evening of Friday, December 20 in Berkeley. There will also be a dress rehearsal on the evening of Tuesday, December 17 in Berkeley, which you should plan on coming to if you're leading a song or speech.

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Dang, I missed this. Here's my audition for 500 Million though, I guess for next year
