I am still relatively new to this community; if you do not want questions that imply or directly state political persuasions, I promise you won't get any more of them from me.
Let's say that there's a movement to implement a specific idea that you believe could have unusually positive societal benefits.
Could be a net positive for the entire world, in fact.
Let's say that the person leading the movement has hired a team to create a website with volunteer opportunities, and let's say you look at the opportunities that are on display and ask yourself "how does completing this task move us closer to the implementation of the idea"?
This might actually be two questions.
No, wait. Three questions.
The first question is "how do you evaluate volunteer tasks for their actual efficacy," i.e. "how do you decide what to spend time on," and I'm pretty sure I can find some answers in the Effective Altruism section of LW.
The second question is "at what point do you say ummmm telling your volunteers that you want to see 1000 letters to the editor published by the end of 2021 is a BAD GOAL that you will FAIL because YOU DON'T CONTROL THE OUTCOME and also YOU'RE CONFUSING OP-EDS AND LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, and MOST NEWSPAPERS WILL NOT ACCEPT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THAT ARE NOT A RESPONSE TO A PREVIOUSLY PRINTED ARTICLE and this is a WASTE OF TIME without either sounding like a jerk or unwittingly volunteering to take control of the entire project?"
The second-point-five question is whether I should wittingly volunteer to take control of the entire project, or at least the volunteer tasks that are related to the industry I've worked in for the past decade.
The third question is how you make an idea into a reality, especially when it involves societal and governmental buy-in.
The (secret) fourth question is whether any of you can guess which idea I'm referring to, and whether you agree that it's worth trying to make real.
I'm sure I'm not the person to say whether anything resolved (and also that is not what I am referring to in this case).