In a couple of weeks I'll be giving a small (~50m) presentation about LW community on "social sciences sunday" in Saint Petersburg.
Target audience - students, teachers and young recearcher mostly from social sciences and humanities.
I'm planning to at least mention in passing:
1) rationality: epistemological and practical division
2) virtues of rationality
3) big part of learning is by osmosis
4) about sequences => some ideas I found engaging (but those that are at the same time would be easier to explain in 10 minutes)- definetely about inferential distances and looking wise
maybe mention Milgrams experiments or anecdote about Pain and Gain motivation
5) study hall (I tried it just for a bit), meetups, related projects - CFAR (anything else?), International Insights, slatestarcodex?
There is also this:
I'm not sure LW is a good entry point for people who are turned away by a few technical terms. Responding to unfamiliar scientific concepts with an immediate surge of curiosity is probably a trait I share with the majority of LW'ers.
I am going to spend some more time prepairing and would probably have some good ideas, but I would be really great to have opinions from others. Am I missing something? Or if anyone had relevant experience?
Liron Shapiro gave an introductory talk to kids about epistemic rationality, if I remember correctly.
Why you don't like to include ageless "Politics is a mind-killer" fable? This is I beleive part of the reason why rationale keeps failing in our world and views remain one-sided
BTW, gl mate!
Thank you for the link, I'll look it through!
"Politics is a mind-killer" is a great idea for an opening! I didn't think about it at first, Robin Hanson is interview for "Conversations from the Pale Blue Dot" ( number 67) describes the core point very in a very short and meaningful way.