Assume a highly rational actor with as much knowledge of the world as they could realistically have. Roughly what point is the 'turning point' in history after which they should be able to clearly realise that Western democracy is superior to European-style monarchy from a perspective of human welfare?
Clarification: By superior, I mean 'overall superior'- that a variant of Western democracy is a better sort of system to think about when trying to make an ideal system for a country than a European-style monarchy.
Do "Western democracy" and "European-style monarchy" refer to single things over the course of whatever length of history you are considering? The feudal systems of the Middle Ages, Britain in the early 19th century, and a large part of Europe under Napoleon are very different monarchies, as are Britain in the later 19th century and present day USA different "Western democracies". Does Spain under King Juan Carlos fall into both classes?
Even if one chooses single paradigmatic instances of "Western democracy" and "European-style monarchy", the question begs the question of whether there is such a turning point. South Africa is a Western(-style) democracy but doesn't seem to be doing very well at it, and there are people today who would prefer a system of "everything for the people, nothing by the people". Moldbug, for example. Or the NSA.
These are some of the questions that a highly rational actor would have to think about to make the original idea meaningful.