According to the statistics, out of all the cities in the world without a Less Wrong meetup yet, Helsinki has the third largest LW readership. I know I would certainly like to get to personally know more people interested in rationality topics, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. My preliminary suggestion was met with positive responses, so I think we're good to go.
Time: Saturday 5th of March, from 15:00 onwards
Place: Cafe Aalto in the second floor of the Academic Bookstore in the center. SEE EDIT 2.
EDIT: The meetup is getting closer, so the time and place can now be considered fixed.
EDIT 2: Cafe Aalto was too full, so we have moved to Cafe Picnic at Yliopistonkatu 5.
Riga reporting. Will the meetup be in English?
I wouldn't expect that having the meetup in English would be a problem for most of the prospective participants.