I've been feeling burned on Overcoming Bias lately, meaning that I take too long to write my posts, which decreases the amount of recovery time, making me feel more burned, etc.
So I'm taking at most a one-week break. I'll post small units of rationality quotes each day, so as to not quite abandon you. I may even post some actual writing, if I feel spontaneous, but definitely not for the next two days; I have to enforce this break upon myself.
When I get back, my schedule calls for me to finish up the Anthropomorphism sequence, and then talk about Marcus Hutter's AIXI, which I think is the last brain-malfunction-causing subject I need to discuss. My posts should then hopefully go back to being shorter and easier.
Hey, at least I got through over a solid year of posts without taking a vacation.
That's the right attitude to have in general: Encourage good work, but be prepared to criticize it as well.
He calls AIXI "brain-malfunction-causing." I don't think he says that AIXI is a malfunction itself!