Fallacymania is a game developed by Moscow LessWrong community. Main goals of this game is to help people notice fallacies in arguments, and of course to have fun. The game requires 3-20 players (recommended 4-12), and some materials: printed A3 sheets with fallacies (5-10 sheets), card deck with fallacies (you can cut one A3 sheet into cards, or print stickers and put them to common playing cards), pens and empty sheets, and 1 card deck of any type with at least 50 cards (optional, for counting guessing attempts). Rules of the game are explained here:
This is the sheet of fallacies, you can download it and print on A3 or A2 sheet of paper:
Also you can use this sheet to create playing cards for debaters.
UPD: There is also a version made by Luca Versari for printing on multiple A4 sheets of paper:
Player sheets: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v_CkPf_8UZw5yGDrguUwtfJJDjzSif2G/view?usp=share_link
Card stickers: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jo7JIp7YvLXw18u68NJCf0xtJHCrvMEs/view?usp=share_link
When we created this game, we used these online articles and artwork about fallacies:
Also I've made electronic version of Fallacymania for Tabletop Simulator (in Steam Workshop):
Reasoning is when you tell your arguments to another person. Thinking is when you make decisions for yourself.
I now see what you mean by fallacies being X (errors in argumentation) and cognitive biases Y (errors in thinking).
However, you're using an idiosyncratic definition of the word "reasoning", and I would advise you to update your understanding so you reduce the chance of confusing more people in the future. "Reasoning" in many cases refers to internal thinking, as you can see explained here.