I took the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test test today. I got 27/36. Jessica Livingston got 36/36.
Reading expressions is almost mind reading. Practicing reading expressions should be easy with the right software. All you need is software that shows a random photo from a large database, asks the user to guess what it is, and then informs the user what the correct answer is. I felt myself getting noticeably better just from the 36 images on the test.
Short standardized tests exist to test this skill, but is there good software for training it? It needs to have lots of examples, so the user learns to recognize expressions instead of overfitting on specific pictures.
Paul Ekman has a product, but I don't know how good it is.
The test scores me as 'normal' with 29/36. I remember doing a similar (maybe the same) test and scoring decidedly below average about two years ago.
I understand the attraction of having this skill trainable in its own context like flashcards but consider it a false shortcut. I think it is more about directing attention.
Setting aside a few cycles of my attention to practice in every day life worked for me and I think it should be wildly superior to treating it as a problem of categorizing features.
1. You get so much more context to infer from and that hints at things you should be able to detect. After all, the true version of the skill is not 'detect <basic emotion x >' but 'emulate people roughly and extract information'. For that to actually happen you want to keep detecting new features and explore them. Not be x% better at separating desire vs. attention.
2. You also train actually using the skill in the background (that is becoming aware that a person feels x instead of just being able to answer if you should happen to ask yourself about what they might feel). This is also the hard part in my opinion.
It is frustrating, but every time I want to modify anything about my mind it comes down to a mindfulness exercise.
EDIT: 1. basically says this is a case of What Are You Tracking In Your Head?
To clarify: I am looking specifically for a tool that trains me to read facial expressions—especially eye expressions—better. This is exactly what I am after.