I have sympathy with both one-boxers and two-boxers in Newcomb's problem. Contrary to this, however, many people on Less Wrong seem to be staunch and confident one-boxers. So I'm turning to you guys to ask for help figuring out whether I should be a staunch one-boxer too. Below is an imaginary dialogue setting out my understanding of the arguments normally advanced on LW for one-boxing and I was hoping to get help filling in the details and extending this argument so that I (and anyone else who is uncertain about the issue) can develop an understanding of the strongest arguments for one-boxing.
Cool, sounds like we are converging.
I would be interested in seeing a RPS competition between programs, sounds interesting.
Unweighted random wins 1/3 of the time; nobody can do better than that versus unweighted random. The rules would have to account for that.
I saw a long time ago a website that would play RPS against you using a genetic algorithm; it had something like a 80% win rate against casual human players.