I invite your feedback on this snippet from the forthcoming Friendly AI FAQ. This one is an answer to the question "What is the Singularity?"



There are many types of mathematical and physical singularities, but in this FAQ we use the term 'Singularity' to refer to the technological singularity.

There are also many things someone might have in mind when they refer to a 'technological Singularity' (Sandberg 2010). Below, we’ll explain just three of them (Yudkowsky 2007):

  1. Intelligence explosion
  2. Event horizon
  3. Accelerating change


Intelligence explosion

Every year, computers surpass human abilities in new ways. A program written in 1956 was able to prove mathematical theorems, and found a more elegant proof for one of them than Russell and Whitehead had given in Principia Mathematica (MacKenzie 1995). By the late 1990s, 'expert systems' had surpassed human skill for a wide range of tasks (Nilsson 2009). In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue computer beat the world chess champion (Campbell et al. 2002), and in 2011 IBM's Watson computer beat the best human players at a much more complicated game: Jeopardy! (Markoff 2011). Recently, a robot named Adam was programmed with our scientific knowledge about yeast, then posed its own hypotheses, tested them, and assessed the results (King et al. 2009; King 2011).

Computers remain far short of human intelligence, but the resources that aid AI design are accumulating (including hardware, large datasets, neuroscience knowledge, and AI theory). We may one day design a machine that surpasses human skill at designing artificial intelligences. After that, this machine could improve its own intelligence faster and better than humans can, which would make it even more skilled at improving its own intelligence. This could continue in a positive feedback loop such that the machine quickly becomes vastly more intelligent than the smartest human being on Earth: an 'intelligence explosion' resulting in a machine superintelligence (Good 1965).


Event horizon

Vernor Vinge (1993) wrote that the arrival of machine superintelligence represents an 'event horizon' beyond which humans cannot model the future, because events beyond the Singularity will be stranger than science fiction: too weird for human minds to predict. So far, all social and technological progress has resulted from human brains, but humans cannot predict what future radically different and more powerful intelligences will create. He made an analogy to the event horizon of a black hole, beyond which the predictive power of physics at the gravitational singularity breaks down.


Accelerating Change

A third concept of technological singularity refers to accelerating change in technological development.

Ray Kurzweil (2005) has done the most to promote this idea. He suggests that although we expect linear technological change, information technological progress is exponential, and so the future will be more different than most of us expect. Technological progress enables even faster technological progress. Kurzweil suggests that technological progress may become so fast that humans cannot keep up unless they amplify their own intelligence by integrating themselves with machines.

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it is standard in a rational discourse to include and address opposing arguments, provided your audience includes anyone other than supporters already. At a minimum, one should state an objection and cite a discussion of it. Here is a number of points that might have be worth mentioning:

We may one day design a machine that surpasses human skill at designing artificial intelligences.

Are there any alternatives?

superintelligence represents an 'event horizon' beyond which humans cannot model the future

We have trouble modeling the future already (our world is probably rather unlike what experts had predicted 25 years ago). If the horizon is the limit of the shrinking predictability timescale, what is the arguments for and against this scale being a monotonically decreasing function?

Technological progress enables even faster technological progress.

Similar to the one above. Sometimes is slows down, halts or reverses for decades or centuries.

I assume that your citations address these questions, but it is useful to state the obvious objections, so the reader is not left hanging.

A technical point:

He made an analogy to the event horizon of a black hole, beyond which the predictive power of physics at the gravitational singularity breaks down.

Physics works mighty fine at the event horizon, predicting what happens to something crossing it with any desired accuracy. It only breaks down at or near the singularity, whether or not it is shrouded by a horizon (not all singularities have to be). While the event horizon is a cute popsci analogy, it should be treated as such, without making false physical statements.

Agreed on the technical point at the end.

Vinge's 1993 article doesn't mention black holes or event horizons; attributing "event horizon" to him in quotes is certainly wrong, at least if it's referring to that article. Wikipedia claims Vinge said something about black holes, but it cites SingInst's "What is the Singularity?" for that claim, which in turn doesn't cite anything. Did the black hole analogy originate in some other Vinge writing?

it is standard in a rational discourse to include and address opposing arguments, provided your audience includes anyone other than supporters already. At a minimum, one should state an objection and cite a discussion of it.

This is not a rational discourse but part of an FAQ, providing explanations/definitions. Counterarguments would be misplaced.

My initial objection to the Singularity was "how do we know making something more intelligent is not an exponential more difficult task, preventing the feedback loop from growing fast or even reaching a low limit ?"

The AI Foom debate did mostly answer to that objection, but I think addressing it in a FAQ about the Singularity would be a good idea.

There are also many things someone might have in mind when they refer to a 'technological Singularity' (Sandberg 2010). Below, we’ll explain just three of them (Yudkowsky 2007):

Are there really more than those? Significantly more? I personally don't think I've come across any others, and your wording makes it sound like you have several readily at hand.

My impression is that many versions of the Singularity are hybrids of these. Kurzwei's envisioned Singularity for example includes AI as a major point, and in "The Singularity is Near" he makes points about prediction issues that are close to Vinge's claim.

If you are not going to provide links, at least provide enough information so someone can find the referenced papers. I just tried to find one of your references on Google Scholar, and after the fifth page of obvious non-matches came back to leave this comment.

Sources will be provided in the final document. Current list of sources for all sections of the FAI FAQ is below:

Allen, Varner, & Zinser (2000). Prolegomena to any future artificial moral agent. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 12: 251-261.

Allen (2002). Calculated morality: Ethical computing in the limit. In I. Smit & G. Lasker (eds.), Cognitive, emotive and ethical aspects of decision making and human action, vol I. Baden/IIAS.

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Bostrom & Sandberg (2009). Cognitive enhancement: Methods, ethics, regulatory challenges. Science and Engineering Ethics, 15: 311–334.

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After that, this machine could improve its own intelligence faster and better than humans can

After that, this machine could improve its own intelligence faster and better than humans can improve human intelligence(?)

After that, this machine could improve its own intelligence faster and better than humans can improve the machine's intelligence(?)

After that, this machine could improve its own intelligence faster and better than humans could improve the machine's intelligence.

the machine quickly becomes

the machine would quickly become

...breaks down.

...breaks down. The idea that the future will be unpredictable after the creation of sufficiently intelligent machines is the second meaning often intended by "technological singularity".

Computers remain far short of human intelligence, but the resources that aid AI design are accumulating (including hardware, large datasets, neuroscience knowledge, and AI theory). We may one day design a machine that surpasses human skill at designing artificial intelligences. After that, this machine could improve its own intelligence faster and better than humans can, which would make it even more skilled at improving its own intelligence. This could continue in a positive feedback loop such that the machine quickly becomes vastly more intelligent than the smartest human being on Earth: an 'intelligence explosion' resulting in a machine superintelligence (Good 1965).

It is worth noting that the correct story is of a man-machine symbiosis - with the human part gradually diminishing, and the machine part gradually rising - through the well-known process of automation.

In this context, contrasting machine ability with that of unmodified humans seems silly and irrelevant. Humans have not been designing computers "on their own" for decades. Rather, there's a man-machine symbiosis.

The difference between these two pictures really matters. A symbiosis in which the humans decline gradually results in a different growth curve from one in which computers reach "human level" and then suddenly "take off". The second picture - while naive and inaccurate - is good for scaring small children with. I'm sure we don't want to be scaring small children with fabricated stories.

Minor formatting issue- in the section on "Event horizon" the url links need spaces between the words so they don't appear as " theevent horizonof" and " thegravitational singularitybreaks". There are some similar issues with some of the italics.

I would also suggest that it may make sense to have a direct link to Eliezer's bit about three schools.

A major part of Kurzweil's approach is the idea that this linear v. exponential issue causes people to underestimate technological change, and this seems worth mentioning.

When you say:

Computers remain far short of human intelligence

this jars slightly with the sentence right before. I would suggest saying "In general, computers remain far short of human intelligence" or something similar.

The formatting issue is actually a LW bug, but I fixed it; thanks.

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