Bug report[1]: in the default editor typing a space[2] after an inline LaTeX equation at the end of the line deletes all text on the line from the first inline LaTeX equation on the line onwards[3].
For A instance: B
If I hit space after the end of the above paragraph, it becomes:
For A
You can work around this in several ways, but it's annoying at best:
- Copy/paste a space after the equation.
- Type a non-space, then a space, then delete the non-space. (E.g. 'a' 'space' 'left-arrow' 'backspace' 'right-arrow').
- Don't turn the equation into LaTeX until after you've put a space after it.
I have hit this several times, and have actually lost (a trivial amount of) work due to the issue (undo works to recover, but as this site doesn't have a full tree-undo-redo system it only works if you catch it before you use the undo system for something else.)
Is this a known issue? Is there a better workaround for this?
This appears to be Firefox-specific and does not replicate in Chrome. It wasn't on my radar because I'm not using Firefox regularly, but now that it is the fix appears to be simple. This bug corresponds to https://github.com/isaul32/ckeditor5-math/issues/2 and is fixed in an upstream library version update, which we just need to merge in. I should have the fix deployed to production by the end of tomorrow (Monday) at the latest.
Interesting; I only use Chrome and have gotten it over the past 1.5 years. (Though I haven't written math in the past couple months).