The Epimenides Paradox or Liar Paradox is "This sentence is false." Type hierarchies are supposed to resolve the Epimenides paradox... Using an indefinitely extensible, indescribably infinite, ordinal hierarchy of meta-languages. No meta-language can contain its own truth predicate - no meta-language can talk about the "truth" or "falsity" of its own sentences - and so for every meta-language we need a meta-meta-language.
I didn't create this video and I don't know who did - but it does a pretty good job of depicting how I feel about infinite type hierarchies: namely, pretty much the same way I feel about the original Epimenides Paradox.
Bonus problem: In what language did I write the description of this video?
It works in Konqueror and apparently would in Opera if mine didn't have a general problem with youtube. Not in Firefox, though.