The host has requested RSVPs for this event
6 Going1 Maybe1 Can't Go
Tomás B.
the gears to ascension
Tenzin Bhotia
Fernando Avalos

The next meetup will be held in this VRChat world: Or search for "LESSWR.7138" under groups if you have trouble with the link.

Please RSVP above.

And don't forget to join our discord:

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I'm hopping on now! my internet is being a little slow so I'm not sure when vrchat will let me in. You can join with this link, though.

Seeking topics! Will reply here in a day or two with a pick if nobody has something they're super passionate about. I'm going to go through a few guides on how to run meetups to extract the topic ideas, I've seen some good ones floating around. in particular has some cool ideas. anyone partial to anything?

Group Debugging is intriguing...

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