This is probably of interest only to the old-timers here. (Ironically, as a cross-post, this is almost by definition spam for LW, since anyone really interested in the topic would already be subscribed to SL4 and would have seen the emails.)
In 13 March, I finally got around to a long outstanding bit of cleanup: suggesting that the equally long defunct SL4 list be formally closed, things tidied up, and the lights turned out. The suggestion met with a mixed (and muted) reception.
Last night I followed up with a second email comparing SL4 activity to activity on Extropy-chat, LW, OB, and MoR; it won't surprise anyone trying to drink from the firehose here that LW is approximately 3 orders of magnitude more active than SL4 is.
I suggest importing the SL4 archive into Google Groups, which seems likely to remain accessible for the foreseeable future. If anyone has the complete SL4 archive as a compressed Unix mailbox file (and can put it on the web and send me a URL), I'd be happy to do this. My own personal archive only goes back to 2002.
It would be great to have the Extropians list archive be available as well. It spawn off both everything-list and SL4, I think, and contained some of the earlier anthropic reasoning and Singularity discussions. I volunteer to import that into Google as well if anyone can send me a mailbox file.
For finding my non-LW posts, most (besides SL4 and Extropian posts) are archived in Google Groups. You can use the "Search author's post" boxes on these two pages to search for my pre-2002 and post-2002 posts respectively. (If SL4 and Extropians were imported into Google Groups then those search boxes would cover them as well.)
People seem to like this idea, but nobody has sent me archives of either list (SL4 and Extropians) yet.