This is the bimonthly 'What are you working On?' thread. Previous threads are here. So here's the question:
What are you working on?
Here are some guidelines:
- Focus on projects that you have recently made progress on, not projects that you're thinking about doing but haven't started.
- Why this project and not others? Mention reasons why you're doing the project and/or why others should contribute to your project (if applicable).
- Talk about your goals for the project.
- Any kind of project is fair game: personal improvement, research project, art project, whatever.
- Link to your work if it's linkable.
I am writing a simple computer game in Java -- an improved Minesweeper. (When a first playable demo is ready, I will put in on Sourceforge.)
Why? To overcome my akrasia (I would like to start and complete something nontrivial to start a "success spiral") and to improve my emotions about programming (to make mental association: programming = "what I do freely for fun" instead of "boring stuff I have to do to pay my bills"). Later I plan to describe specific tasks related with creating this game on my web page -- I think people interested in game programming might like it.
It's a matter of taste, but right now seems to be a sweet moment for making games in JavaScript/HTML5. People will have a lower barrier to playing your game, and you'll get free publicity because many developers are holding their breath for HTML5 games right now. Also the development process will be pretty cool because you can simply reload the page instead of recompiling, right click on game objects to see their properties in an HTML inspector, execute random code snippets from the console while the game is running...