Over the last year, VincentYu, gwern and others have provided many papers for the LessWrong community (87% success rate in 2012) through previous help desk threads. We originally intended to provide editing, research and general troubleshooting help, but article downloads are by far the most requested service.

If you're doing a LessWrong relevant project we want to help you. If you need help accessing a journal article or academic book chapter, we can get it for you. If you need some research or writing help, we can help there too.

Turnaround times for articles published in the last 20 years or so is usually less than a day. Older articles often take a couple days.

Please make new article requests in the comment section of this thread.

If you would like to help out with finding papers, please monitor this thread for requests. If you want to monitor via RSS like I do, many RSS readers will give you the comment feed if you give it the URL for this thread (or use this link directly). 

If you have some special skills you want to volunteer, mention them in the comment section.

LessWrong Help Desk - free paper downloads and more (2014)
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Bjelakovic G, Gluud LL, Nikolova D, Whitfield K, Wetterslev J, Simonetti RG, Bjelakovic M, Gluud C. Vitamin D supplementation for prevention of mortality in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD007470. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007470.pub3.

Does anyone know if Cochrane publishes the data they use in their meta analysis? I have a suspicion that meta analysis generally does not make good use of the available data. In their vitamin D analysis, they have shockingly large confidence intervals compared to the amount of data they have. I'd like to check that theory.


Does anyone know if Cochrane publishes the data they use in their meta analysis?

I had a look. It turns out Cochrane does publish all their usable data, and they seem to be ungated! Here's a link to the data for this meta-analysis. (The link to this data is provided in the gated HTML article, but there doesn't seem to be a link from an ungated page, so I wonder if these data are supposed to be freely accessible... In any case, all their data are currently ungated and accessible by appending '/downloadstats' to the appropriate URL.)

Here are some details about the file formats: http://tech.cochrane.org/revman/documentation/file-formats I find myself irritated that they only include effect sizes and sample sizes rather than the actual observed counts for each group, as that would make a Bayesian analysis much easier.
I haven't looked in detail at it, but is that because their formats or approaches do not support raw data or because they do support raw counts but simply did not supply them? ie they had the data & discarded it, or they may never have had the observed counts & were going off effect sizes reported in papers; the latter is plausible as I've found authors very unwilling to share detailed information beyond what is reported in papers.
Turns out they actually, do report it! It was just under an unexpected label "EVENTS_1". I'm going to do a meta analysis of my own.
Followup: * http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/01/25/beware-mass-produced-medical-recommendations/#comment-35322 * http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/jsalvatier/vitamind/blob/master/Vitamin%20D%20meta%20analysis.ipynb?create=1
Hm. I wonder how I would get a full list of URLs. It'd be nice to feed it into my archiver bot.
It would be easy to extract a partial list of URLs from this. Google probably has better coverage with its in url search, but I don't know how to get lots of data out of it.
Looks like one would be better off using the site: parameter than inurl:, since it's a prefix; so site:onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858
huh. I didn't try that because I knew that site: doesn't work for all prefixes (eg, it fails if you chop off the last digit). I thought it required termination with a slash, but maybe any punctuation works? I do recommend inurl:abstract.
Awesome! Thank you!
It turns out Cochrane does provide their data. Very nice of them. Also, at least in this case my own metanalysis based on their data perfectly replicated their results. The inefficiency I thought was there was not there.
Sorry, this was an useless post so now it's gone
Metamed went out of business recently.
  • Dr. I. J. Good; "The Human Preserve"; Spaceflight 7 (September 1965):167-170 (note that this is the magazine published by the British Interplanetary Society, ISSN 0038-6340; they don't sell back-issues that far, don't appear to have been scanned by IA or Google Books, and only seems to be available through universities with print collections that far back like UWash)

In The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett, there's an interesting endnote:

Good and Everett were acquainted: both did work for IDA’s communications division in Princeton (probably crypto

... (read more)
[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
This claims to be a version from 1980. It appears to have scans of the illustrations from 1980, but retyped text. See Good's bibliography: 391. "The human preserve" (an invited contribution to a symp. on extraterrestrial life held by the Institute of Biology and the British Interplanetary Society, May 1964), JRNSS (1964), 370-373; and Spaceflight 7 (1965), 167-170 and 180 (See #476) [JRNSS = J. Royal Naval Science Service] 476. "Life outside the earth", The Listener 73 (June 3, 1965), 815-817. Japanese translation in The Japan Tiles Weekly, Aug. 28, 1965, pp. 14-15. (See #s 391, 597, and 644.) 597. "The Cosmic Club", Context 2 (1968), 2-9 and 36. (See #s 391, 476 and 644.) 644. "The chief entities", Theoria to Theory 3 (April 1969), 71-82. (See #s 391, 476, 597 and 1298) 1298. "The chief entities", a shortening of #644 for Cosmic Search 2, No. 2 (Spring 1980), 13-17. Supposedly, the Listener has been digitized, but it's probably not available at many American universities.
Thanks. That's sufficient for my curiosity: Good lays out the argument for lots of aliens (which is cogent enough and time has vindicated various beliefs such as planets being common), notes that galactic colonization is easy and highly certain on astronomical timescales, that there must be a stable governing structure (the Chief Entities, who may or may not be FAIs), and argues that the reason for the Great Silence is the 'zoo hypothesis' (just with FAIs). Not too unreasonable for the time period - as he notes, the first SETI searches had just been done and parapsychology still seemed fairly credible then - but I'd say by this point it's pretty clear that there are no intelligent aliens whatsoever and the zoo hypothesis is untenable, and parapsychology likewise. So a historical piece of minimal general interest.
Speaking of parapsychology... 780. "The use of clones in experimental parapsychology", paraSCIENCE, 1, No. 1 (1971), p. 5. 882. "And Good Saw the it was God(d)", Parascience Research J. 1, No. 2 (Feb. 1975), 3-13. (See #1322.) 882A. A reprinting of #882, with minor changes, Parasc. Proc. 1973/77 (issued '79), pp. 55-66 1322. "Is there any scientific basis for parapsychology?" For the tenth annual meeting of the American Culture Association and the second annual meeting of the Popular Culture Association, Detroit, Michigan, April 16-19, 1980. Session on the Philosophy of Parapsychology, 8:30a.m. to 10:30a.m. April 19 to the Crystal Ballroom, Book Cadillac Hotel. (See #882.) 1322A. "Scientific speculations on the paranormal and the parasciences", a slight revision of #1322 for The Zetetic Scholar, No. 7 (1980, Dec.), 9-29. [Issued Feb. 1981] (See #s 882, 1460.) 1460. "Scientific speculations on the paranormal: introductory comments", for the workshop on "The demarcation between science and pseudo-science," at the Center for the Study of Science in Society, VPI&SU, 1982, April 30 to May 2. #1322A was invited. These introductory comments show the relevance to the workshop. In VA Tech Center for the Study of Science in Society, Working Papers, 2,No. 1 (April 1983), 107-112. 1322A is available here
You can download that through http://libgen.org/scimag/index.php ; I've reuploaded to https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/182368464/2014-yao.pdf

For a Feynman mystery:

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* [1] * [2] * [3]

For people looking for papers, there's also r/scholar.

If you are looking for books, you may want to try here and here first.

The canonical version of your second link is here. It also covers papers.

That's really amazing!

First of all thanks for the service. I'll launch the first request and see how it goes :)

I'm interested in Odifreddi chapters, title "Ultrafilters, dictators and gods", from the book "Calude, Paun (eds) - Finite vs infinite, contributions to an eternal dilemma - Springer Verlag - 2000". You can find more details here

Books are easier than chapters.
Weeeeee! Last time I searched there was no trace of it... In any case, thanks so much!
When did you search? If you search "vs" rather than "versus," it fails. A general suggestion is to search authors if titles fail.

I'll be making a visit to the Library of Congress sometime in the next month. I visit the Library of Congress a few times each year to scan things which basically can't be found elsewhere. If there's anything in particular you want from the Library of Congress next time I go, let me know here. I'd strongly prefer that you've tried other resources first, and checked that what you want is in the Library of Congress catalog (or likely so; sometimes you can't tell).

I might also visit the NIST library and National Agricultural Library.

Also, if there's anything ... (read more)

I went to the Library of Congress today. It's highly likely I'll go again next summer, so you can still let me know if there's anything you want scanned.
Does your offer include entire books?
Yes, with some caveats: 1. you agree to only use the copy for non-commercial purposes; 2. you will not distribute the copy; 3. if there's no other good way to obtain the book (e.g., if you can buy the book or get it via interlibrary loan, go do that), or the book is in the public domain; 4. there's not a particular section you are interested in (if there is, let me know); 5. the book is not too long. With the above caveats, this should be at worst fair use, but I am an engineer, not a lawyer. (I am, however, finishing up a class on US intellectual property law, which clarified much of my understanding of the law in this regard.) I'll limit myself to 2 requests for entire books (first come, first served), as the scanner they have is not ideal for scanning entire books. They have a good overhead scanner, but it's somewhat slow.
It's a Mexican book that used to be available in libraries here in Colombia around 6 years ago. Today it's nowhere to be found, and all my known pirated sources for books in Spanish lack it. It's not available for Kindle, and the LoC happens to have it. However, I just checked in Amazon that the printed version has 401 pages, which makes me feel embarrassed to ask for such a cumbersome favor. Upon further search, I discovered one public library in my city that has it available for loan. I'll do that.
To be honest, I'd be okay with scanning 401 pages if I could get something out of it. I mentioned here that I wish there was a website where you could get credits for the number of pages you scan and then use these credits to pay others (perhaps with a rating system for getting the correct item, speed, quality of scan, etc.). Might not be that hard to set up, actually, but I don't have the time to do it. You're probably aware, but for those who aren't, WorldCat is a good way to see which libraries near you have which books. Unfortunately, participation of libraries outside of the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia seems to be incomplete, but at least some Colombian libraries participate. Another problem is that not all of the holdings of some particular libraries seem to be in WorldCat. The Library of Congress in particular seems to have problems with this for some more obscure items. I've gotten into the habit of checking the Library of Congress' catalog separately.

Applied Statistical Decision Theory, Raiffa & Schlaifer 1961 (not to be confused with their 1995 or 1959 decision theory textbooks).

Not on Libgen, Google Books, Google Scholar, the Chinese library site, or in any of the Google hits I found despite all the book review PDFs. I found a table of contents for it, and googled some chapter titles in quotes, but only turned up the same table of contents, so it really doesn't seem to be online in the clear. Betawolf discovered that an online copy does seem to exist at HathiTrust, which seems to think that the b... (read more)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
Got the whole PDF from HathiTrust. I think Chart I is missing from the scan.
Thanks. I added some metadata and it blew up to 14M, which is unfortunate. Chart I does seem to be missing in both the PDF and the online version; I suspect that it's missing from the physical copy at UMich ('pocket' sounds like something that might go missing).
The object streams for indirect objects have been unpacked and stripped away, leaving their contents uncompressed. Use qpdf to regenerate compressed object streams: qpdf --object-streams=generate in.pdf out.pdf (The --stream-data=compress option is already set by default.) While you are at it, might as well re-linearize the PDF for online readers with low bandwidth: qpdf --object-streams=generate --linearize in.pdf out.pdf
That seems to work. I tried gs, Gscan2pdf, and pdf2djvu but they all either didn't reduce size or segfaulted.

In case anyone is interested, I have a similar paper supplying project here: http://www.ccapprox.info/pod/eng/

Just putting that out there. In case the admins of this site want to try to collaborate somehow, I am all for, so feel free to write me :-)

All the best,


"Peering Into Peer Review", 2014 (linked from http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2014/02/20/the_nih_takes_a_look_at_how_the_moneys_spent.php and apparently the fulltext is at http://sciencemag.lovefuck.me/content/343/6171/596.short - no, I don't understand either why Science is now being hosted on lovefuck.me either. There are many things in this world I don't understand.)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply


apparently the fulltext is at http://sciencemag.lovefuck.me/content/343/6171/596.short - no, I don't understand either why Science is now being hosted on lovefuck.me either. There are many things in this world I don't understand.

I took a look. That domain is acting as a 2-hop open web proxy. The first hop routes through a VPS in New York. The second hop routes through a (dedicated?) server in Montreal. The New York VPS is running nginx as a reverse proxy with no caching. The Montreal server is running Mr9.SM, which looks like an online fraud toolkit built on top of a web proxy back end. On the same server, there is an exposed MongoDB interface that is leaking data that should not be leaked.

There are other domains that are also using these two servers as a 2-hop open web proxy (the domains and two servers are most likely managed by the same entity, since the setup requires coordination). A small sample (rot13ed to stop bots from picking them up):

  • nqbivan.pbz
  • pbaqbefubrf.pbz
  • qbjaybnqjvaqbjf8.zr
  • serrcfq.zr
  • ccggrzcyngrf.zr
  • jvaqbjfqbjaybnq.zr

Strangely, I wasn't able to figure out what fraud is being attempted. I expected to see cookie stuffing, but there was no sign of that—... (read more)

Thanks for the paper. Mysterious indeed.


[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
As a cyclist, I'd be interested in seeing these articles as well. Unfortunately my university doesn't have any of these. I could request them by interlibrary loan, but I suspect I'd be on break by the time they come in. I usually visit the Library of Congress when visiting my parents on breaks, and I'll check their catalog to see if they have these proceedings later. Their online catalog is not working at the moment. I'll make a new reply to your comment when I do.
The Library of Congress does not have these proceedings, unfortunately.
It appears that the loan requests for all 3 proceedings that I requested have been sent. I anticipate all of the requested proceedings will be here in a month, after which I'll scan them in their entirety.
Sure, I would have tried interlibrary loan myself back in December, but I was too busy. I requested the 1982, 1984, and 1987 proceedings. I'm not going to request the 1992 (published in 1994) proceedings because I have no success getting anything from CISTI, and getting things from Europe would either take too long or not happen at all. Let's see if someone who can visit one of those libraries can help.

this was an unhelpful comment, removed and replaced by the comment you are now reading

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
The relevant paragraph is in Section 2.2.5: Following the Bobes et al. citation yields: Reference 22 is to "WHO Fact Sheet no. 217", which no longer exists. Luckily, the Wayback Machine has a copy. The relevant point: Unfortunately, there is no citation and it does not precisely match Bobes et al's claims. Neither Bobes et al. nor the WHO fact sheet refers to lost income, so the reference to that in the original claim is wholly unsubstantiated by these citations.

Some folks here seem to be pretty skilled at tracking down hard to find papers, so let's give this one a shot:

Nikonov, G. P., and Shavlovskii, S. S. 1961 Gornye Mashiny i Avtomatika, Nauchno-Tekh. Sb, 1 (18), 5.

That's the citation from another journal article. I originally found reference to this paper in the book Waterjetting technology (see reference 2.19). I don't speak Russian, so this one has proved pretty hard to find. I'm not looking for someone to get me a PDF of this (though that would be nice!), just someone to help me identify a library that has... (read more)

I was able to get a copy of this via interlibrary loan some time ago, after finding much better citations.

A scan/photograph/transcription of page 415 of Hays 1973, Statistics for the social sciences. (2nd ed.) New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston; or heck the whole book if anyone can find it.

(Meehl in his 1990 "Why summaries of research on psychological theories are often uninterpretable" claims Hays agrees with him about the null hypothesis always being false, but I'm interested in exactly what Hays said and how he said it - albeit not enough to buy the book just to look at one page, and Google Books won't show me the relevant part regardless of how I try to chain my search queries.)

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Zuehlke, T. (2003). "Estimation of a Tobit model with unknown censoring threshold". Applied Economics 35,1163–9 (this is for a little analysis: https://plus.google.com/103530621949492999968/posts/TG98DXkHrrs )

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[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

I am generally good at finding papers via various techniques, but some have evaded my grasp. Try your luck at the documents listed below. I wrote some notes about my own unsuccessful attempts to find these documents. Apologies in advance for likely reducing you all's success rate!

FOUND: H. G. Haines. 2004. “A pilot study evaluating the bioavailability and absorption rates of two vitamin B12 preparations in normal human subjects”. Health Plus International, Inc. (study protocol # HPI-NF-B12-1).

J. Hovingh, “Stability of a flowing circular annular liquid curt... (read more)

Here is the first one. The key was finding it cited in the company's patent, though the URL was wrong. But the archive has a search.
I am impressed; I had looked for the paper and failed to uncover the related patent. Could you share the exact string that you searched for (and the search engine you used) to discover the patent?
It's on the first page of results for the serial number (the patent does not mention the author's name). What I was looking for was not the actual study, but additional citations, on the hypothesis that the citation was incorrect. I didn't expect a patent to have a link, but to be more accurate than a alternative medicine website.
Thank you much. I had never seen the patent despite my searches. I'll be sure to check them in the future!
Have you seen a citation of the first paper from a reputable source? Are you sure that it is cited correctly or even exists? Your link appears to claim that it was cited by Victor Herbert in his article on B12 in the 1996 17th edition of "Present Knowledge in Nutrition. Have you tried looking in various editions of that book to see if he does cite it? (Obviously, the 1996 edition does not cites a 2004 paper, but I trust the 1996 more than the 2004. 1996 is the 7th edition, not the 17th.) Added: this seems like a reputable source, as it is a patent by same the company.

I can provide feedback for writings in philosophy of mind, evolution, evolutionary psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and popular science. (to make this easy, please use google docs)

It wouldn't be bad to know what lesswrongers are reading (and having trouble finding) maybe publishing all the previously searched books every now and then would be nice.

I'd like to ask for writing help every now and then, I'll keep that in mind.

This is a nice service you're offering, but aren't there platforms to do this that would be more effective, more useful to a wider audience and for a longer time than a LW thread?

If you're doing a LessWrong relevant project we want to help you.

What constitutes relevant? I'm always looking to work smarter, not harder.

I've considered other places, but haven't seen anything. Also, I specifically wanted to help people working on lesswrong type topics. Relevant means working on some lesswrong type topic that you might share with the broader community.
If you want to donate work to the LW community, go for it. I'm not going to send you anywhere else. But I think some kinds of requests should be sent elsewhere. Why should you put effort into supplying journal articles when people could go to r/scholar? (though trivial inconvenience - I don't have a reddit account) Also, it is more likely that libgen is harvesting r/scholar than this thread, increasing the value of contributions there. Moreover, I suspect that a high volume of such requests will discourage other kinds of requests; I'm glad that so far this year does not look like last year.
I guess "relevant" depends on what kind of help you want. If you just want a journal article that someone can download in under a minute "relevant" is going to be fairly broad. If you want someone's help proofreading a paper you wrote, the definition is going to me more narrow as that requires more work. Just model the people on Lesswrong in your mind and ask: "Do I think they would want to help here?" If the issue is relevant in a way that would embarrass you, you are probably good enough at modelling this community to avoid asking. As asking is generally quite low cost, it's not the end of the world if you do write a request that on the edge of being relevant and nobody wants to help.
Surely you mean "irrelevant in a way that would embarrass you"? If it's embarrassing but relevant wouldn't it be advisable to a) suck it up or b) PM someone or post under a sockpuppet or whatever, if it's really that bad?

Would like to get

Thank you very much!

Scott Alexander writes in a recent post:

Second, Polgar might actually have some really good educational methods besides just “start early and have a lot of practice”. I assume this is true, but I’m having a lot of trouble finding them. Shockingly, Polgar’s book Bring Up Genius is out of print and totally unavailable anywhere

If anyone can find the book and scan it, it would be great.

You might want to check the SSC comments first as people have already been requesting, scanning, and translating.

I'll be visiting the Library of Congress next week for one day. Let me know here if there's anything in particular you might want me to look at or scan there.

To keep this manageable, I'll only accept requests that appear difficult to obtain elsewhere. If it looks like you can get what you want via interlibrary loan, try that rather than asking me. If you are not affiliated with a university then I'd recommend talking to a librarian at a public library about this. Seems many public libraries will do interlibrary loan for free or a fee.

Likely I'll make a second trip to the Library of Congress in August, too.

Visited the Library of Congress this past Wednesday. I'll be going to the Library of Congress several times this summer, so reply to one of my comments here if you want anything in particular at the Library of Congress. It was a fairly productive day, as I think I've found a good strategy for avoiding the phone book people at the scanner. For some reason, there's often a ton of people who do nothing other than look at old phone books. I assume this is for some sort of private investigator business or something along those lines. I never asked. Anyway, they tend to procrastinate and use the one overhead scanner starting around 2 to 3 pm, so it's best to do as much book scanning before them. My current strategy is to do my book scanning before 2 and then switch to microfilm, as I rarely ever see anyone using the microfilm viewers or scanners.

In Feymann's Cargo Cult Speech he writes:

All experiments in psychology are not of this type, however. For example, there have been many experiments running rats through all kinds of mazes, and so on--with little clear result. But in 1937 a man named Young did a very interesting one. He had a long corridor with doors all along one side where the rats came in, and doors along the other side where the food was.

What's the paper towards which Feymann points?

We don't know: http://lesswrong.com/lw/3jx/the_decline_effect_and_the_scientific_method_link/396z

I can offer advice on statistical analysis of data (frequentist, alas, still learning Bayesian methods myself so not ready to advise on that). Unfortunately, right now I have too little spare time to actually analyze it for you, but I can explain to you how you can tackle it using open source tools and try to point you toward further reading focused on the specific problem you're trying to solve. In the medium-future I hope to have my online data analysis app stable enough to post here, but this is not looking like the month when it will happen.

I can proba... (read more)

Might want to look at http://lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/kez/r_support_group_and_the_benefits_of_applied/ then.

"A psychological study of physical scientists", Roe, Anne; Genetic Psychology Monographs, Vol 43, 1951, 121-235 http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1952-01756-001 ; possibly also listed as "A psychological study of eminent physical scientists".

EDIT: requested on /r/Scholar EDITEDIT: requested on Twitter, got a copy.

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Does anyone know if and where can I find "IB Mathematics Standard Level Course Book: Oxford IB Diploma Programme" (I need this one specifically)?


  • DeLuca, A.M., Kranda, K.C., 1992. "Environmental enrichment in a large animal facility". Lab Animal 21, 38–44. Not in Google, just a cite in Google Scholar, not in Libgen, university access only goes back to 2010, and finally, the Lab Animal website doesn't seem to index earlier than 1993 so further info is not available. (/r/scholar)
[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
Here. Figures 4 and 5 are missing from the scan that I received. Dope ads.
Thanks. Looks like figure 4/5 were not important going by the article text.
Seems harder to find than I anticipated. WorldCat suggests my university has this journal, but I can't find it in their catalog. My university's proxy doesn't work on the site. Doesn't seem the Library of Congress has it either. Sorry, can't be of much more help.

Software Engineering, A Historical Perspective J. Marciniak DOI 10.1002/0471028959.sof321

Here. Sorry about the horrible format; I didn't see a better way to download the content or print the page. In addition, I couldn't access the figures.
Awesome, thanks! (ETA) I have the figures already from a secondary source, so that's OK.

Probability and Statistics for Business Decisions, Robert Schlaifer 1959. Surprisingly expensive used, and unfortunately for such a foundational text in Bayesian decision theory, doesn't seem to be available online. If you can't get a digital copy, does anyone know of a good service or group which would produce a high-quality digital copy given a print edition?

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
Page-by-page .djvu scans are available here (found via this search; edit: it seems to appear sporadically in the search results). Full sequence of download links is{001..744}.djvu ---------------------------------------- I wrote the following just before finding the scan of the book. I'll post it anyway. I've used 1DollarScan for about 50 books, including math/stat textbooks, and the quality is consistently good (unless you need accurate color reproduction) even with the cheapest option (i.e., $1 per 100 pages), but you'll need to do your own post-processing to: * Lossily compress further and binarize B/W text; expect about 400 KB/page from 1DollarScan. * Perform OCR; 1DollarScan's OCR option is expensive and performs okay at best. * Straighten pages; pages are often offset slightly from the vertical. * Add metadata (e.g., page numbering, section bookmarks). I use Adobe Acrobat with ABBYY FineReader for these. FineReader's OCR is more accurate than Acrobat's, but Acrobat performs okay by itself. Acrobat's trial can be indefinitely reactivated every month in a Windows VM by reverting to a pre-activation snapshot, whereas FineReader has to be bought or torrented, as its trial is overly restrictive. I don't know of any good options on Linux. BTW, there's a used copy on Half.com for $39. Not sure if you saw that.
Huh. Weird. I did not see that IP-server, I don't think, and I'm surprised that such a thing exists. I also don't see it in your linked search! Seems to be... maybe some sort of scan prepared by a Chinese university library, going by ("Library of JI'NAN University") ? Easy enough to get, combine, and add the metadata: $ for i in {001..744}; do wget ""$i".djvu"; done $ djvm -c 1959-schlaifer-probabilitystatisticsbusinessdecisions.djvu 000*.djvu $ djvused 1959-schlaifer-probabilitystatisticsbusinessdecisions.djvu set-meta Title Probability and Statistics for Business Decisions: An Introduction to Managerial Economics Under Uncertainty Author Robert Schlaifer Publisher McGraw-Hill Book Company Subject statistics Keywords decision theory, subjective Bayesianism, value of information URL Creator Library of JI'NAN University CreationDate 1959 . save ^Z Browsing, it looks nice. Only 21MB, and the OCR looks good. Thanks! I think there was a cheaper one on Amazon, but in any case, that was only if I couldn't find a digital copy.
0Simon Fischer
They have a copy at our university library. I would need to investigate how to scan it efficiently, but I'm up for it if there isn't an easier way and noone else finds a digital copy.
Document delivery services can provide scans. However, there probably aren't any legal services which'll scan entire books for you due to copyright law. I have a hard time getting different interlibrary loan departments to get me scans of some smaller documents as well, even if you can verify the documents are in the public domain. The easiest thing in this case would be to use a good scanner in a library. I'm fond of the overhead ones. I keep a list of certain rare books and articles that can be found in particular libraries, and go scan a bunch of them in batches when I have the opportunity. Yesterday I visited the Library of Congress and scanned a fair number of things which could not be found elsewhere. Edit: I assumed above that gwern does not have a copy. Vaniver in reply to me gives a good option if gwern does have a copy.
Huh; my friend converted his physical collection to a digital one years ago, and I thought he said the price was dollars per book. (Googling "physical book to ebook" gives a lot of options.) The thing I would be more concerned about is it being an image file or terrible OCR.
This is good to know. I was not aware of services which will scan books you own. I think this is the route gwern should go. My own experience with OCR is that it's generally pretty bad unless it's done by Google and/or you put a lot of effort into cleaning the images. Though, I have only used free services, so perhaps my experience is limited.
I was thinking that if there were no digital editions yet, I could perhaps buy a used copy and either debind (for flat pages) & scan it myself or use one of the services like 1DollarScan. The problem with the latter is that I don't know how well it would work with a math book, and some of them won't return the debound pages to you...

If anyone could find the following, I'd appreciate it.

Funk JR, Watson RA, Cormier JM, Guzman H, Bonugli E. Kinematics and kinetics of vigorous head shaking. J Appl Biomech. 2015 Jun;31(3):170-5.

'twas on Libgen: http://libgen.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1123%2Fjab.2014-0161

Dynamic choice in a complex world

Murali Agastya, Arkadii Slinko

Journal of Economic Theory July 2015, Vol.158:232–258


(I'm sorry: Libgen seems to be currently out of reach.)

Libgen seemed to work fine for this: http://sci-hub.org/downloads/7c30/10.1016@j.jet.2015.04.001.pdf
Thanks! (Probably it was just a temporary issue.)

Allozyme polymorphisms detected in mature needle tissue in ponderosa pine. J. B. Mitton, Y. B. Linhart, K. B. Sturgeon, J. L. Hamrick. - Journal of heredity v. 70 issue 2. - 1979.

Thank you.

http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/jhered/freepdf/70-86.pdf ? First hit in Google Scholar.
Thank you! (For some reason, I could not download it on my own - lack of proxy servers or something like that.)

My currently unfilled requests on /r/scholar:

https://www.reddit.com/r/Scholar/comments/29hi38/request_2_dissertations_on_online_learning/ :

  1. Santo, S.A.: "Virtual learning, personality, and learning styles". Dissertation Abstracts International Section A, Humanities & Social Sciences, 62, pp. 137 (2001) (slides: http://sloanconsortium.org/conference/proceedings/1999/pdf/99_santo.pdf )
  2. Zobdeh-Asadi, S.: "Differences in personality factors and learners' preference for traditional versus online education". Dissertation Abstract Interna
... (read more)
[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
* Lyons and French. * Vo et al. * Kantner. * Mowsesian and Heyer. I'm still waiting for Schretlen et al.
ILL couldn't get Schretlen et al. Can try again once the paper is included in the print journal, but I'd recommend just asking the authors for a copy.
The PDF/journal copy seems to be up now: http://clinicalschizophrenia.org/doi/abs/10.3371/CSRP.SCST.103114?journalCode=csrp (PDF). Can't get to it through Sci-hub, but maybe your university access can get it now?
Still can't get it. I should be able to access it through an institutional subscription to the EBSCO database once the paper is assigned to an issue, replacing its current "online first" designation.
I think it might never have been published. I tried going again via Libgen and my university proxy and Ebscohost, and it just doesn't show up as anything but that abstract despite supposedly being published 3 years ago. Oh well. It wasn't that important.
Mm. I don't want to ask because then I can't post a copy publicly. Maybe I'll just drop that one - tDCS is not that important to me that I really need every paper.
The last one. I don't think I can get the two dissertations. I'll put in ILL requests for the other papers over the next week.
Santo, 2001 Zobdeh-Asadi, 2004 EDIT: Just seen you already obtained these...

Toward a neurobiology of delusions P.R. Corletta, , , J.R. Taylora, X.-J. Wangb, P.C. Fletcherc, J.H. Krystala

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3676875/ ? First (and only) hit in Google Scholar.

Can anybody send me this paywalled article? Rhizome Growth and Clone Development in Anemone nemorosa L. D. A. SHIRREFFS, A. D. BELL. Annals of Botany Vol. 54, No. 3 (September 1984), pp. 315-324 Thank you!

Thank you, I downloaded it!
That's going to be difficult. It looks like the non-JSTOR databases only go back to 1993 and the usual JSTOR access doesn't cover that journal.
If it is too difficult don't trouble yourself, I'll find something similar instead, but if someone happens to have access, I'd be most grateful.

I'm looking for the following paper:

Carlos Santiago Nino, Some confusions around Kelsen’s concept of validity, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 357-377.

It's available on Jstor, but although my university subscription usually allows me to download papers from that database, I don't seem to have access to this particular one. If anyone can get it for me, I'd be very grateful.

Libgen doesn't seem able to get it, and my university proxy can't either; sorry.
Thanks anyway. Someone else managed to get me a copy (he contacted me privately).
  • Can cultural norms reduce conflicts? Confucianism and peasant rebellions in Qing China James Kai-sing Kunga, b, Chicheng Mac, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 111, November 2014, Pages 132–149
Does http://ihome.ust.hk/~sojk/Kung_files/Confucian%20rebellion_Aug%202013.pdf not work? (First hit in Google Scholar.)
Its the version I've read, trying to see if the latest is different. They also have a version floating around from 2012.
If you need a specific version, you should say so. If you must have the latest, then you need to specify that so searchers can start with the paywall rather than go for the easiest available version. In this case, it looks like Libgen has the final version from Elsevier: https://pdf.yt/d/96edLzq8SzpYBSuR / https://www.dropbox.com/s/8w53cqdb354umh5/2014-kung.pdf / http://gen.lib.rus.ec/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1016%2Fj.jdeveco.2014.08.006
I will remember to do so in the future, sorry for the inconvenience!
FWIW, I don't find their treatment of reverse causality convincing. Adoption of Confucianism as a predictor of peasant revolts is as plausible as their preferred causal arrow, and in some cases makes better sense (eg they seem to think of temples as brainwashing nearby subjects, but AFAIK most temples were not 100% state-funded and rely on contributions... so temples are more plausibly a measure of Confucianism, than a cause of Confucianism; and given how explicit Confucianism is about being a tool of central state propaganda & control, would it be at all surprising if more independent places aren't too keen on it?). They try to use a measure of 'Confucian sages' a millennium before to deal with this a bit, except that measure is from the same data source as everything else, which was compiled in the 1890s.

Technology Assessment and the Fourth Discontinuity: The Limits of Instrument Rationality by Laurence H Tribe

A little tricky but turns out Sci-hub had a proxy which could go through the Hein Online paywall (at least, once you figure out you have to specify the page-range of the article! what the heck): https://pdf.yt/d/DM3BGcxxfb3x_HKK / https://www.dropbox.com/s/5u266r5ubijz2bi/1972-tribe.pdf / http://sci-hub.org/downloads/baaf/10.0000@heinonline.org@generic-EF457CE69B6D.pdf
Excellent. Thanks very much.
  • Trowbridge, F.L. "Intellectual assessment in primitive societies, with a preliminary report of a study of the effects of early iodine supplementation on intelligence". In Stanbury, J.B .; Kroc, R.L., Eds. Human development and the thyroid gland. Relation to endemic cretinism, Plenum Press, New York; 137-150; 1972.

I think it might be available elsewhere: http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/4662265 identifies it as being in "Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology [1972, 30:137-149]", which doesn't seem to be this book.

EDIT: no res... (read more)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

"The construction of the paranormal: Nothing unscientific is happening", Harry M. Collins & Trevor J. Pinch; In Roy Wallis (ed.), On the Margins of Science: The Social Construction of Rejected Knowledge. University of Keele. 27--237 (1979) (linked in http://rationalconspiracy.com/2014/10/10/robin-hanson-on-cold-fusion/ )

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
1. https://pdf.yt/d/XYviTa7FvMEcNm_8 / https://www.dropbox.com/s/1b7dhfs7djx1k5j/2014-buehler.pdf?dl=0 2. https://pdf.yt/d/N7CH7xQxtNnQVy2f / https://www.dropbox.com/s/8mzse6c24dteqy6/2014-velez.pdf?dl=0 / http://sci-hub.org/downloads/b6c8/10.1007@s11749-014-0396-0.pdf

Nico Roos. A logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge. Artificial Intelligence Volume 57, Issue 1, September 1992, Pages 69–103.

http://pdf.aminer.org/000/745/743/a_logic_for_reasoning_with_inconsistent_knowledge.pdf / http://libgen.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1016%2F0004-3702%2892%2990105-7
* [1] * [4]
1. can't get 2. "Dietary effects on dental diseases", Sheiham 2001: https://pdf.yt/d/g4WYSIyip3yk_pUN / https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/243666993/2001-sheiham.pdf / http://sci-hub.org/downloads/fe10/10.0000@journals.cambridge.org@generic-58FC44B6EAC2.pdf 3. already available in Pubmed, note the logo in the upper right hand corner marked 'free': http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3272860/ 4. can't get 5. already available from publisher: http://cro.sagepub.com/content/11/3/366.full.pdf+html (but I've copied over to https://pdf.yt/d/iOK0yPnUkk43qCA7 / https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/243666993/2000-lingstrom.pdf in case it's only temporary) 6. already available in Pubmed, note the logo: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3893787/

Haga, William J. "Perils of professionalism." Management Quarterly (1974): 3-10.

Unfortunately, my university library reports that they have exhausted all possible sources and no library was able to supply this paper.
Interesting! Thanks for trying.

(2011) Costa, AC. and Anderson, NR., Measuring trust in teams: development and validation of a multi-faceted measure of formative and reflexive indicators of team trust, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 20 (1) : 119- 154

or in a pinch

(2003) Costa, AC., Work team trust and effectiveness, Personnel Review 32 (5) : 605- 622

* [1] * [2]
Awesome, thanks!

2 dissertations on online learning:

  1. Santo, S.A.: "Virtual learning, personality, and learning styles". Dissertation Abstracts International Section A, Humanities & Social Sciences, 62, pp. 137 (2001) (slides: http://sloanconsortium.org/conference/proceedings/1999/pdf/99_santo.pdf )
  2. Zobdeh-Asadi, S.: "Differences in personality factors and learners' preference for traditional versus online education". Dissertation Abstract International Section A: Humanities & Social Sciences, 65(2-A), pp. 436 (2004)

(I requested these a month ... (read more)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
Amazing! Can't thank you enough! Could you also metaphorically "teach me how to fish" and tell me how you found it, please? Usually, I just use this custom search engine for textbooks, but en.bookfi (the website that usually has the most hits when using the search engine) was down (hopefully not permanently). Also, could I please put in another request for the following? -http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/harmonic-mind -http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/parallel-distributed-processing -http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/parallel-distributed-processing-0
A bit late, but I've tried to write up what I know about searching: https://www.gwern.net/Search
I dunno, I just use what the hardcore pirates mention using for e-books, which currently is Libgen and before that was library.nu.

Fox, J. (2014). Intelligence and rationality. PSYCHOLOGIST, 27(3), 143-143. (BRITISH PSYCHOLOGICAL SOC.)

This popped up on my Google Scholar. Unless I wrote it in my sleep, that's not me, but I am curious.

Here. The article to which this letter is responding to is Stanovich and West (2014).
Thank you! The author, J. Fox, is actually Joshua Fox. I'm starting to wonder if I wrote this in my sleep and should add this to my CV :-) And he may even have a point.

"Reversible and Irreversible Decisions: Preference for Consonant Information as a Function of Attractiveness of Decision Alternatives", Pers Soc Psychol Bull December 1981 7: 621-626 http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=7564911921849567347&hl=en&as_sdt=0,21 http://psp.sagepub.com/content/7/4/621.short

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Hello! I would like to know if someon can get 3 papers for me... (Sci-hub couldn't help me...) They are:

WILSON, A. G., 1971, "A family of spatial interaction models, and associated developments" Environment and Planning, 3(1), p. 1–32. http://www.envplan.com/abstract.cgi?id=a030001

BROWN, S., 1992, "The wheel of retail gravitation?" Environment and Planning A, 24(10), p. 1409–1429. http://www.envplan.com/abstract.cgi?id=a241409

HARRIS, B., WILSON, A. G., 1978, "Equilibrium values and dynamics of attractiveness terms in production-c... (read more)

The journal lets google see them, so the text is in the cache, though not the pdf: 1 2 3

I'd like to access the "Users' Guides to the Medical Literature JAMA Series" here: http://guides.library.stonybrook.edu/content.php?pid=194158&sid=1696250

"Can cognitive restructuring reduce the disruption associated with perfectionistic concerns?" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0005789401800514


Thank you so much for this.

I'm currently working as a researcher for Will MacAskill, who's writing a book about effective altruism to be published by Penguin in August 2015. I have access to the Oxford library network, but there are occasionally journals that the university is not subscribed to. So I expect to be using this resource regularly in the coming weeks. I shall be posting my requests as replies to this comment.

Seymour Drescher, Capitalism and Antislavery: British Mobilization in Comparative Perspective, pp. 67-75.
Thank you!
Ubel, P. A., DeKay, M. L., Baron, J., & Asch, D. A. (1996). Public preferences for efficiency and racial equity in kidney transplant allocation decisions. Transplantation Proceedings, 28, 2997–3002.
Thank you. :)
I've requested a scan from my university's medical library.
1. Here. 2. Here.

"Modafinil Augmentation Therapy in Unipolar and Bipolar Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24330897 http://article.psychiatrist.com/dao_1-login.asp?ID=10008467&RSID=90129742967317

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Can anyone help with this one: Nonsocial Transient Behavior: Social Disengagement on the Greyhound Bus


I've been commenting in this thread whenever I see a new way to pirate books or papers. If anyone knows of something that's missing, please consider adding it! Or PM me and I will get around to adding it eventually (if you don't want to use your main account or go to the trouble of making an alt).

"Later School Start Time Is Associated with Improved Sleep and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents", Boergers et al 2014 (Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Thank you so much for this! I expect to be making use of it.


[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
You could try contacting the people in here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/framebuilders/Z5Zn0eQyC54 since their OP says he has "all volumes published, and they will be scanned in due time". I don't see any signs of digitizing or online editions anywhere via Google Scholar, Libgen, or my university proxy; university ILLs don't really like requests such as 'scan an entire issue for me please', and asking someone to go to the library to scan an entire issue rather than a specific article is a bit of an ask. It's probably not going to happen, so you might want to look into how to buy back issues and setting up alerts.



(/r/scholar) EDIT: copy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ma677apg3jrqwaa/2009-lyons.pdf?dl=0

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Wemmer, C. and K. Scow. 1977. "Communication in the Felidae with emphasis on scent marking and contact patterns". In T. Seboek (ed.), How animals communicate, pp. 749-766. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana. ISBN 9780253328557 (/r/scholar request) EDIT: ordered/

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In http://kajsotala.fi/2017/07/how-i-found-fixed-the-root-problem-behind-my-depression-and-anxiety-after-20-years/ Kay Sotala recommened the Steve Andreas book Transforming Your Self. Unfortunately, while the book is listed on lib.gen it's not downloadable and the listed version is listed without page numbers. I would deeply appreciate if someone would upload a working copy.

It downloads fine from libgen.io for me, and importing into Calibre, it looks like a valid ebook. Not sure what your problem was, but I've copied the EPUB to Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ndoxl0dzepvhjaj/2012-andreas-transformingyourself.epub?dl=0


[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
  • Citation: Богданович И. И. Влияние подготовки топлива в форсунке на тонкость распыла. Дисс. канд. техн.наук. М., 1948, 136 с. (Bogdanovich I. I. Influence of fuel preparation in the nozzle on the spray fineness. Diss. cand. Technical Sciences. Moscow, 1948, 136 pp.)

  • library URL: http://search.rsl.ru/en/record/01000176055

Old Russian dissertation. As far as I can tell, this is only available at the Russian State Library. If anyone could visit that library and scan the dissertation, I'd be appreciative.

I'd be more than willing to fulfill a similar reques... (read more)

Got this from a website that sells copies of Russian dissertations. I definitely pulled out all the stops on this dissertation, and learned a fair amount in the process. If you're not living in Russia, and looking for a Russian dissertation, I would be a good person to contact. I can't get you the dissertation but I can put you in contact with people who can.

R. D. Monson, "Experimental studies of cylindrical and sheet jets with and without forced nozzle vibrations" M.S. thesis, Dept. of Mech. Engr., Univ. of Calif., Davis (December 1980).

UC Davis refuses to loan this for unknown reasons. What I find odd is that it has already been digitized. UC Davis students might be able to download it here. Let me know if you can download it.

The author was kind enough to scan their thesis and email me a copy.
r/UCDavis has confirmed that this can't be downloaded from HathiTrust if you are a UCD student. Someone there pointed out a copy at UC Berkeley that might be obtainable. Trying that now.


[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
None of these are at the Library of Congress, unfortunately. Frequently their catalog includes books not listed on WorldCat. I'm away from my university for the summer, so there's no way I can do an interlibrary loan right now.
On lesswrong.com yes, on the topic of papers - library genesis and Sci hub might be of use to you. Also recently unpaywall.

I would be grateful if anyone could scan this 16-page booklet.

  • Citation: Moulton, A. (1997). A lifetime's experience of engineering innovations: Success and failures. London: Royal Academy of Engineering.

  • ISBN: 1871634644, 9781871634648

  • WorldCat record

(Also requested in /r/Scholar.)

EDIT: An extract of this was published in RSA Journal 145(5478):7–10. But full text of this is not (yet?) available either on JStor or ProQuest's PAO database.

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Thiel, Peter. “The Straussian Moment.” Politics and Apocalypse, Edited by Robert Hamerton-Kelly, Michigan State University Press, 2007, pp. 189–218, www.jstor.org/stable/10.14321/j.ctt7zt6qq.9


I haven't been around for a while, but I expect to start fulfilling the backlog of requests after Christmas. Sorry for the long wait.


John Broome, Weighing goods : equality, uncertainty, and time, Cambridge, Mass. : Basil Blackwell, 1991.

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Jon Elster, Leibniz et la formation de l'esprit capitaliste, Paris: Aubier Montaigne, 1975.

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Functional Human Oocytes Generated by Transfer of Polar Body Genomes by Hong Ma Ryan C. O’Neil Shoukhrat Mitalipov?


Harney JW, Leary JD, Barofsky IB. "Behavioral activity of catnip and its constituents: nepetalic acid and nepetalactone", Fed Proc 1974; 33: 481 (/r/scholar)

Behrman et al 1977, "Controlling for and measuring the effects of genetic and family environment in equations for schooling and labour market success", In Kinometrics, ed. P. Taubman. North Holland: Amsterdam (/r/scholar)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Killian, Lewis M. "Social movements." Handbook of Modern Sociology. Chicago: Rand McNally (1964): 426-455.

[r/Scholar request]

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Retracting since article was found on r/Scholar.

Morris, Aldon & Cedric Herring (1987),Theory and research in social movements: A critical review, Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 2, pp. 137-98

[r/Scholar request]

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

McGuire, W. J. (1969), The nature of attitudes and attitude change, in Elliot Aronson & Gardner Lindzey (eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology, 2nd ed., Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, vol. 3, pp. 136-314

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

(/r/scholar didn't help)

  • ~DeFries, J., Olson, R., Pennington, R., & S

... (read more)
[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Landes, Joan B., The Public and the Private Sphere: A Feminist Reconsideration, in Joan B. Landes (ed.), Feminism, the Public and the Private, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, ch. 5.

You can get the book on Libgen: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=Feminism%2C+the+Public+and+the+Private&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def https://www.dropbox.com/s/7yemn37wa6egz45/1998-landes.rar
Ah, I thought I had searched Libgen but it seems I didn't. Thanks!
You might have searched the scientific papers (where it indeed is not) but not the books. Each of the search engines seems to be separate.
[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
1. Dutton. 2. Lynn.

I'm intersted in polyphasic sleep.

Wikipedia notes:

In order to gain more time awake in the day, Buckminster Fuller reportedly advocated a regimen consisting of 30-minute naps every six hours. The short article about Fuller's nap schedule in Time in 1943, which also refers to such a schedule as "intermittent sleeping," says that he maintained it for two years, and further notes "he had to quit because his schedule conflicted with that of his business associates, who insisted on sleeping like other men."[17]


"Dymaxion Sleep&quo

... (read more)
The article is available on various websites by exact phrase searching, but there are some minor transcription errors in these copies. I've transcribed it below using Google's copy of the scanned article to correct these errors. There seems to be a relevant captioned figure (maybe a photo of Fuller?) on p. 63 of the magazine that is missing from the scan. ---------------------------------------- Dymaxion Sleep Sleep is just a bad habit. So said Socrates and Samuel Johnson, and so for years has thought grey-haired Richard Buckminster Fuller, futurific [sic] inventor of the Dymaxion* house (Time, Aug. 22, 1932), the Dymaxion car and the Dymaxion globe. Fuller made a deliberate attempt to break the sleep habit, with excellent results. Last week he announced his Dymaxion system of sleeping. Two hours of sleep a day, he said firmly, is plenty. Fuller reasoned that man has a primary store of energy, quickly replenished, and a secondary reserve (second wind) that takes longer to restore. Therefore, he thought, a man should be able to cut his rest periods shorter by relaxing as soon as he has used up his primary energy. Fuller trained himself to take a nap at the first sign of fatigue (i.e., when his attention to his work began to wander). These intervals came about every six hours; after a half-hour's nap he was completely refreshed. For two years Fuller thus averaged two hours of sleep in 24. Result: “The most vigorous and alert condition I have ever enjoyed.” Life-insurance doctors who examined him found him sound as a nut. Eventually he had to quit because his schedule conflicted with that of his business associates, who insisted on sleeping like other men. Now working for the Foreign Economic Administration, Buckminster Fuller finds Dymaxion working and sleeping out of the question. But he wishes the nation's “key thinkers” could adopt his schedule; he is convinced it would shorten the war. Intermittent sleeping was not originated by Fuller, has respectable scien
My opinion of polyphasic sleep as a way to reduce sleep requirements is negative, so I recommend not tracking this down.
Given that the Wikipedia article about polyphasic sleep recounts the story, it's important for people debunking polyphasic sleep to respond to the story of Buckminster Fuller. That's easier when the article is available.
The article is more of historical interest to me. I don't think Buckminster Fuller's claims are more trustworthy than those of other people, and from what I've read they aren't any different from what others claim. So the basic criticisms seem to hold against his claims. And the evidence for polyphasic sleep is quite bad, so bad in fact that I am surprised and disappointed that so many rationalists take it seriously. I suppose it comes from wishful thinking, but I'm not sure. (My intention is not to be mean to people who take these ideas seriously, but rather to check if there's anything I'm missing. It seems to me that I know considerably more about sleep science than polyphasic sleep proponents, though I'm still not an expert.) Google Books shows a small part of the article.

Could anybody download an article Biology and functional ecology of Equisetum with emphasis on the giant horsetails by C. Husby in The Botanical Review, June 2013?

Thank you.

On Libgen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/htqal94zwxhe1zs/2013-husby.pdf / http://moscow.sci-hub.bz/b8b299e9173d27c6d3bcb677f7e9b0ed/10.1007%40s12229-012-9113-4.pdf
Thank you very much.

Catnip papers:

  1. Hatch RC. "Effect of drugs on catnip (Nepeta cataria) induced pleasure behavior in cats". American Journal of Veterinary Research 1972; 33: 143-155. (/r/scholar couldn't help.)
  2. Todd, Neil Bowman 1963. "The catnip response". Doctoral dissertation, Harvard (ocm05134795) (likewise, no joy on /r/scholar) EDIT: got it!

    Maybe someone can get a scan via ILL? The library entry has an option 'Scan and deliver', which sounds promising, but requires a Harvard account. In general, Harvard seems to provide reasonable access: http://a

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[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
1. Hatch. Why the interest in catnip?
Thanks. I wasted a bunch of money on catnip when it turned out my cat was immune, which I didn't even know was a thing. After reading up on it, it seemed like there were gaps in the research literature - most of it was hopelessly old and inaccessible, there was no single estimate for how frequently cats respond to catnip and substitutes (so I could meta-analyze/multilevel-model this easily), and no data on the relationships of responses within a cat (so if your cat is immune to catnip, what do you optimally try next?) but this is easy to experiment with since cats are common (I've already gotten set up with several cat toys impregnated with catnip/valerian/honeysuckle so I can test each cat I run into with a battery of stimulants). So after jailbreaking all the relevant literature, maybe run an online survey of catowners, then combine everything to get the population frequency of catnip response, and then begin experimenting with available cats to get an idea of whether responses are correlated and how frequently cats respond to each stimulant. Then catowners will know the risk of catnip immunity and each stimulant they should try next. See http://www.gwern.net/catnip A minor contribution, perhaps, but there are a lot of catowners out there and it would be nice to bring some clarity to this area.
An anecdote that probably tells you nothing you don't already know. My father has a chess set whose pieces are made of olive-wood and rosewood, and at least one cat my parents have owned has responded to the box (which I think is olive-wood, but I'm not certain) in the same sort of way as many cats respond to catnip. Googling suggests that other people have found that olive wood provokes a reaction from their cats. So you might consider adding olive wood to your battery of cat-tests.
It's worth testing if I can get a decently odorous chunk of olive wood. Not sure where, though, as it seems like the sort of thing usually sold in a manufactured form and I'd rather not pay for expensive end-consumer cutting boards or chess sets. There's also a lot of anecdotes that it works with plain old olives like, presumably, the ones you get in a can. Maybe that would work?
Maybe. I don't have a cat myself (my wife is allergic) so I've no way of testing myself, and I have no more information than what I've already said. Sorry not to be more help.
EVOO should be a much better bet than olives in a can. Good EVOO smells different than "regular" olive oil, and olives in a can are basically dead and don't smell of anything yummy. There is also olio nuovo (or olio novello, depends on from which part of Italy) which is fresh unfiltered olive oil available only seasonally (around right now, for Italian olives) which is in entirely different class by taste and smell.
I thought of that, but if I was only going to get one thing, the google hits suggest that it would be much more reliable to go with olive wood, then olives themselves; most the of the hits concern constipation and things like that (only a few single out olive oil), which is inconsistent with what I would expect from a catnip substitute (firsthand, the effects of catnip, valerian, honeysuckle, and the silvervine I just got today, are all fairly noticeable) and suggests that whatever the active ingredient is (may not be the same as catnip, as some of the olive anecdotes claim catnip immunity in olive responders), it is lost or reduced in oil compared to the still relatively physically intact woods or olives. That said, why not - if the EVOO does nothing, I can always eat it myself, and how expensive could it possibly be? Is there any specific brand or product you would recommend as particularly reliable?
I wonder if the olive wood reports are coming from the places (like Spain or Italy) where it's easy to get fresh olive wood... In the States kitchen supply stores (including Bed Bath & Beyond) sell olive-wood spoons ($5 or so), bowls and such, but I don't know how much processing (e.g. thermal) did that wood go through. I buy olio nuovo here and can attest that it's very different from the supermarket olive oil.
The anecdotes don't seem to specify that it must be fresh, no. Consider gjm's anecdote right here: I doubt a chess board made of olive wood is all that fresh when it's bought by the end-consumer, and if the freshness made a big difference and the chessboard was just months old, then the effect should've noticeably gone away. (That wood lasts a long time makes sense - the oils and other chemicals must be able to take a long time to leach out in at least some cases, because otherwise, there would be little point to things like cedar-lined closets.) Mm. I was kind of hoping for an Amazon link, since I need to do an order on there soon anyway for Christmas gifts.
That place (olio2go) has an Amazon storefront, I think they have some but not all of their olive oils there. You want the 2015 harvest, of course.
Well, I bought it and also some olive wood. Both cats ignored both of them. So far not so good.
I know some cat people -- I'll ask if they want to volunteer to transform their cats into guinea pigs...
Just to avoid misunderstandings: what the cat freaked out over was actually the box that held the pieces. I do not know for certain that the box is actually made of olive wood. I do not know for certain whether it's the wood of the box or the residual smell of one or other set of pieces. I do agree, though, that it seems fairly clear that great freshness isn't needed. The set wasn't terribly new when the cat that freaked out over it joined the household.
Is the box lacquered or varnished? It's uncommon for items like this to be left unsealed.
It is, to the best of my recollection, neither lacquered nor varnished.
3. Here. Huh. I never knew there were so many other plants that had similar effects on cats. Anyway, best of luck getting Todd's work… and getting cats high.
Thanks. Funny story - morphine addict with other issues for which the treatment was... morphine. Clever solution.
1. Requested. 2. Sadly, I can't request entire dissertations. I'm sure there are Harvard students on LW; maybe try asking for help in the open thread? 3. Requested.
Thanks. As far as the Todd dissertation goes, I know someone who can request it for me and I've asked them, so hopefully! (I really want it since it seems to be the most comprehensive set of experiments ever done on catnip and any analysis of mine would be crippled without it.)
I got the following e-mail from the Harvard Library today: I am not sure what is going on here: Since it is a Harvard thesis, they presumably hold the copyright themselves. I know they will make my own thesis available for free after a one-year embargo. This seems more like an excuse to not have to scan it manually
Ouch. That is weird. Perhaps there's something historical going on where they used to let Harvard students keep their own copyright but a few decades ago changed it to demand copyright, which is why they can't scan the entirety of an old thesis like Todd's. Hm. You could try replying and asking why they can't scan a Harvard thesis given your personal experience. If that doesn't work and the other guy can't help, I wonder what I could do. Leaving that thesis out is a really big gap in the literature... Going to Harvard physically with a scanner is not an option since I don't know if they would even lend it out of the stacks to me, much less when I'll ever be in Boston again. In an instance of rather bad timing on my part, it turns out Todd died just last year so I can't simply email him and ask him to release it under CC-BY-SA or something and then the Harvard people could be told they have copyright clearance; his wife Joyce is still around, though, so I could try asking her to license the thesis. Perhaps you could ask the scanners what they would accept as adequate proof of copyright safety, such as some sort of document signed by Joyce? (No point in bothering her if it wouldn't get them to unlock the thesis, after all.)
In my experience, the actual reason is probably not copyright, as was suggested. The ILL software likely has a few canned responses, and "this is too big, we don't want to scan it" likely rounds to the reason received. I've also had a librarian refuse to scan a relatively short document for "copyright" reasons, despite the document being in the public domain, though not obviously so.
I hope that's the explanation and a little pushback will motivate them into scanning it.
It's worth asking if they'll scan it again, but I'm fairly confident they would continue to refuse to scan it even if there were no copyright issues. My recommendation might be asking someone else to scan the entire dissertation on their own. The catalog record indicates the dissertation has 61 pages, which is totally doable. Incidentally, HathiTrust has it, but it's not available for download. In addition to Harvard, Cornell has a copy as well. Might be worth asking someone at Cornell if Harvard is a dead end.
I've requested the Todd dissertation from the scan and deliver link. The processing time is around 4 days.
Thanks. I hope yours and the other guy's request don't interfere or wind up wasting someone's time; hopefully the Harvard system is smart enough that whoever's request gets filled first for a scan will result in the second person immediately getting a copy, in which case no harm done.
Yes, sorry about duplicating your request. I sent my request in response to Vincent`s earlier post, I didn't realize you already had someone on it.
They managed to get a physical copy and scan it, so no harm done.

hello LW elders!

I haven't had luck finding Pearl's 6-step approach for determining minimal set of variables (illustrated by Shrier & Platt. Reducing bias through DAGs. BMC research Methodology 2008 8:70 that I found in a bibliography. Can you help a brother out?

http://ftp.cs.ucla.edu/pub/stat_ser/r254.pdf Why do you care, btw?
Thanks! The title is unexpected. How did you find this, if I may ask? Just so I can learn from the process! I like to experiment with different ways to formalise my thinking. Recently I've been been learning about DAG's, conditioning, exchangeable exposures and such to design experiments. It's certainly helping me make my ideas clearer. I was reading a presentation made by a university person online that cited that article and thought the idea of 'determining a minimal set of variables' would be an intractable problem. I don't see how someone could, in the abstract, determine a function or something that would tell someone the minimal set of variables to put in a DAG. Having no scanned through the article, there is so much that is beyond what I've seen that I don't expect I'll be able to make sense of this article for a while. Moreover, I seem to have misinterpreted the content of the paper based on the simple sounding title I saw in the presentation!
That is not the problem that this paper tries to solve. The paper assumes you know the graph, and are trying to find a sufficient set of variables to condition on to get d-separation. To determine the minimal set of variables to include in the graph, you generally need subject matter expertise, ie external causal knowledge. Essentially, you need to be able to claim that there does not exist a variable not in the graph which is a common cause of two variables that are in the graph. (With a faithfulness assumption you may also be able to remove certain variables based on the data)
  • Utts, J. (1988). "Successful replication versus statistical significance". Journal of Parapsychology, 52(4): 305-320 (/r/scholar couldn't provide it.)
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Do you have access to ProQuest? Seems you can download the paper there.
I don't, no.
http://swcontent.spokaneschools.org/Page/27371 This page has, among other things, a username and password for ProQuest that anyone can use.
I will give that a try next time.
Thanks. That's going to take a while to read.

Introduction to Connectionist Modelling of Cognitive Processes. Reviewed on LW here.


I am writing a book on Trauma and I would like to include these articles. I was wondering if you could help me find them.

Thomson, P. P. (2004). The impact of trauma on the embryo and fetus: An application of the diathesis-stress model and the neurovulnerability-neurotoxicity model. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health, 19(1), 9.

Goodman, R. D. (2013). The transgenerational trauma and resilience genogram. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 26(3-4), 386-405.

Thank you



I was wondering if any of you would be able to help me find this article. I am writing a book on Trauma. "Transgenerational Trauma and Child Sexual Abuse: Reconceptualizing Cases Involving Young Survivors of CSA" "The Impact of Trauma on the Embryo and Fetus: An Application of the Diathesis-Stress Model and the Neurovulnerability-Neurotoxicity Model"

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Hedges, D. W., & Woon, F. L. M. (2007). Structural magnetic resonance imaging findings in posttraumatic stress disorder and their response to treatment: a systematic review. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 3, 85–93. http://doi.org/10.2174/157340007780599078

Does anyone have a copy of this article? I can't access it from either GMU, GW, or UMD. I am writting a research paper on PTSD.

Thanks for the sci-hub link. So awesome!
Thank you for sending this article and link. I truly appreciate it Sarunas. Xia

Are attractive model' promotional models a more effective marketing tool than random promotional models?

What? (And: Why have you posted it here?) [EDITED to add:] Also, why have you apparently twice asked a question and then, after it was answered, deleted your question and replaced its text with something like "this was an unhelpful comment, so I replaced it with this"? How could your original comments possibly have been less helpful than that? At least they presumably provided some context for the answers you got.
I'm curious about whether sex sells, empirically. I think it's relevant because if it does, it presents a memetic hazard and a hazard to our evolutionary heuristics. I have started using a new disclaimer: Replies to the comment you are now reading accurately describe my ideas so the original post has been replaced by this disclaimer to spare your time :) because sometimes my comments become redundant when a commentator rephrases or restates all points of interest.
But why would you investigate that by comparing promotion using attractive models (note: the fact that "model" has two quite different meanings is one reason why it would have been helpful had your original question been a bit more discursive) with random means of promotion? What you actually want to know is surely something more like: If you take some means of promoting a thing, and then make the minimum possible change to it that adds or removes a substantial amount of sexiness, what happens to its effectiveness? This is not sufficient reason for deleting them, any more than the fact that an employee has been made redundant is sufficient reason for killing him. By all means edit your comment to add a disclaimer -- put it at the start if you like, to save readers' time -- but please do not delete the original text. If nothing else, it provides necessary context for understanding the responses.
Thank you for this.
Ahh I totally see what you're saying now. I could have interpreted what you said in a more nuanced way if I was more on the ball (or perhaps this is just hindsight bias. But without hindsight bias, can one be gratefu, and if one can't be grateful, can they be happy?
What answer other than "Hell, yes!" is possible?

Inspired by the Wikipedia page on 'outcomes research#difficulties', I wonder: are there studies into whether spending on outcome studies improves medical care, compared to funding research directly on the underlying conditions?

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Introducing the Discriminative Paraconsistent Machine (DPM)

Rodrigo Capobianco Guido, Sylvio Barbon Jr., Regiane Denise Solgon, Kátia Cristina Silva Paulo, Luciene Cavalcanti Rodrigues, Ivan Nunes da Silva, João Paulo Lemos Escola

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Answered at /r/Scholar.

Thank you so much for this; I expect to be making use of it

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this was an unhelpful comment, removed and replaced by this comment

Seligman claims that people less psychologically healthy than normal are disproportionately likely to develop PTSD, but the training program he launched doesn't seem to have done well. But everyone agrees that not being abused as a child is a protective factor against PTSD. (This is all newspaper-level sources, but that should give you enough clues to find the paper-level sources if you want to dig deeper.)

What is the following referencing style: Author, title, journal, volume number, date, page? There may be missing items, I just described one citation from a set I have. Thanks!

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