Developing the Necessary Infrastructure: Big data companies preemptively get new data center space before the need for it starts kicking in. Data center space is particularly nice because server power and data storage are needed for practically all their operations, and therefore are agnostic to what specific next steps the companies will take. This fits in with the "Flexible Strategy" idea.
As a side note, it's interesting how (some) companies are doing more of this general principle through not investing in computing infrastructure, lately - cloud computing providers buy the just-in-case servers, so the market as a whole has some computing power held in reserve, but not for any particular company.
I wonder if MegaMistakes applies to enthusiasm about 3D printing.
3D printing a house or airplane component is a specialty service that has value to a limited set manufacturers. The cost of this scale of 3D printing could be cut several times, and only pass the price-performance threshold for a few more special cases.
On the low end, hobby-printers and remote printing services are borderline useless. There is virtually NO value proposition beyond "3D Printing is cool! Here's a neat widget that you couldn't get from most traditional manufacturers".
When I can have a 3D printer in my home that can easily identify then print many things I need in typical household or automotive repairs, and do it cheaply and simply, I might buy it. Or if I could subscribe to genuinely neat widget designs and produce them at home for a reasonable price (and easily), that'd be cool too.
But until then, I will not buy a 3D printer. And most people won't either.
My personal view (not worth much, since I haven't looked into this closely): in about 20-25 years, most people in cities and big towns in the First World will have access (within their city or region) to 3D printer services. There may be dedicated 3D print stores, or 3D printers may be available in copy shops or stationery stores or Internet kiosk-type places. I still suspect that people won't use them for things they can get online or at nearby physical stores. They might use 3D printing for specialized production, custom stuff (like a custom gift for a loved one), or if they're in a real hurry and can't wait to have something delivered.
Further, it'll probably take another 20-25 years after that for 3D printing at home to be ubiquitous. It's also possible that home 3D printing will never become ubiquitous.
As mentioned above, I haven't looked into this closely enough to have high confidence in my views.
Disclaimer: This post contains unvetted off-the-cuff thoughts. I've included quotes from the book in a separate quote dump post to prevent this post from getting too long. Read the intro and the TL;DR if you want a quick idea of what I'm saying.
As part of a review of the track record of forecasting and the sorts of models used for it, I read the book Megamistakes: Forecasting and the Myth of Rapid Technological Change (1989) by Steven P. Schnaars (here's a review of the book by the Los Angeles Times from back when it was published). I conducted my review in connection with contract work for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, but the views expressed here are solely mine and have not been vetted by MIRI. Note that this post is not a full review of the book. Instead, it simply discusses some aspects of the book I found relevant.
The book is a critique of past forecasting efforts. The author identifies many problems with these forecasting efforts, and offers suggestions for improvement. But the book was written in 1989, when the Internet was just starting out and the World Wide Web didn't exist. Thus, the book's suggestions and criticisms may be outdated in one or more of these three ways:
I haven't been able to locate any recent work of the author where he assesses his own work in light of new evidence; if any readers can find such material, please link to it in the comments.
#1: The criticism of "technological wonderland": it's all about timing, honey!
Schnaars is critical of forecasters for being too enamored with the potential of a technology and replacing hard-nosed realism with wishful thinking based on what they'd like the technology to do. Two important criticisms he makes in this regard are:
The criticism remains topical today. Futurists today often extrapolate trends such as Moore's law far into the future, to the point where there's considerable uncertainty both surrounding the technological feasibility and the economic incentives. A notable example here is Ray Kurzweil, well-known futurist and author of The Singularity is Near. Kurzweil's prediction record is decidedly mixed. An earlier post of mine included a lengthy discussion of the importance of economic incentives in facilitating technological improvement. I'd drafted that post before reading Megamistakes, and the points I make there aren't too similar to the specific points in the book, but it is in the same general direction.
Schnaars notes, but in my view, gives insufficient emphasis to the following point: Many of the predictions he grades aren't fundamentally misguided at a qualitative level. They're just wrong on timing. In fact, a number of them have been realized in the 25 years since. Some others may be realized over the next 25 years, and yet more may be realized over the next 100 years. And some may be realized centuries from now. What the predictions got wrong was timing, in the following two senses:
The gravity you assign to this error depends heavily on the purpose of the forecast. If it's for a company deciding whether to invest a few million dollars in research and development, then being off by a couple of decades is a ruinous proposition. If you're trying to paint a picture of the long term future, on the other hand, a few decades here and there need not be a big deal. Schnaars seems to primarily be addressing the first category.
Schnaars makes the point about timing in more detail here (pp. 120-121) (emphasis mine):
One example where Schnaars notes that timing is the main issue is that of fax machines (full quote in the quote dump)
Here are some technologies that Schnaars notes as failed predictions, but that have, in the intervening years (189-2014), emerged in roughly the predicted form. Full quotes from the book in the quote dump.
An interesting general question that this raises, and that I don't have an offhand answer to, is whether there is a tradeoff between having a clear qualitative imagination about what a technology might look like once matured, and having a realistic sense of what will happen in the next few years. If that's the case, the next question would be what sort of steps the starry-eyed futurist types can take to integrate realistic timing into their vision, and/or how people with a realistic sense of timing can acquire the skill of imagining the future without jeopardizing their realism about the short term.
#2: Computing: the exception that eviscerates the rule?
Schnaars acknowledges computing as the exception (pp. 123-124) (emphasis mine, longer version of quote in the quote dump):
This is about the full extent to which Schnaars discusses the case of computing. His failure to discuss it deeper seems like a curious omission. In particular, I would have been curious to see if he had an explanation for why computing has turned out so different, and whether this was due to the fundamental nature of computing or just a lucky historical accident. Further, to the extent that Schnaars believed that computing was fundamentally different, how did he fail to see the long-run implications in terms of how computing would eventually become a dominating factor in all forms of technological progress?
So what makes computing different? I don't have a strong view, but I think that the general-purpose nature and wide applicability of computing may have been critical. A diverse range of companies and organizations knew that they stood to benefit from the improvement of computing technology. This gave them greater incentives to pool and share larger amounts of resources. Radical predictions, such as Moore's law, were given the status of guidelines for the industry. Moreover, improvements in computing technology affected the backend costs of development, and the new technologies did not have to be sold to end consumers. So end consumers' reluctance to change habits was not a bottleneck to computing progress.
Contrast this with a narrower technology such as picture phones. Picture phones were a separate technology developed by a phone company, whose success heavily depended on what that company's consumers wanted. Whether AT&T succeeded or failed with the picture phone, most other companies and organizations didn't care.
Indeed, when the modern equivalents of picture phones, computerphones, and Videotex finally took off, they did so as small addenda to a thriving low-cost infrastructure of general-purpose computing.
The lessons from Megamistakes suggest that converting the technological fruits of advances into computing into products that consumers use can be a lot more tricky and erratic than simply making advances in computing.
I also think there's a strong possibility that the accuracy of computing forecasts may be declining, and that the problems that Schnaars outlines in his book (namely, consumers not finding the new technology useful) will start biting computing. For more, see my earlier post.
#3: Main suggestions already implemented nowadays?
Some of the suggestions that Schnaars makes on the strategy front are listed in Chapter 11 (Strategic Alternatives to Forecasting) and include:
I think that (2) and (3) in particular have increased a lot in the modern era, and (1) has too, though less obviously. This is particularly true in the software and Internet realm, where one can field-test many different experiments over the Internet. But it's also true for manufacturing, as better point-of-sale information and a supply chain that records information accurately at every stage allows for rapid changes to production processes (cf. just in time manufacturing). The example of clothing retailer Zara is illustrative: they measure fashion trends in real time and change their manufacturing choices in response to these trends. In his book Everything is Obvious: *Once You Know the Answer, Duncan Watts uses the phrase "measure and react" for this sort of strategy.
Other pieces of advice that Schnaars offers, that I think are being followed to a greater extent today than back in his time, partly facilitated by greater information flow and more opportunities for measurement, collaboration, and interaction:
Schnaars' closing piece of advice is (p. 183):
Is this good advice, and are companies and organizations today following it? I think it's both good advice and bad advice. On the one hand, Google was able to succeed with GMail because they correctly forecast that disk space would soon be cheap enough to make GMail economical. In this case, it was their ability to see the future as different from the present that proved to be an asset. Similarly, Paul Graham describes good startup ideas as ones created by people who live in the future rather than the present.
At the same time, the best successes do assume that the future won't look physically too different from the present. And unless there is a strong argument in favor of a particular way in which the future will look different, planning based on the present might be the best one can hope for. GMail wasn't based on a fundamental rethinking of human behavior. It was based on the assumption that most things would remain similar, but Internet connectivity and bandwidth would improve and disk space costs would reduce. Both assumptions were well-grounded in the historical record of technology trends, and both were vindicated by history.
Thanks to Luke Muehlhauser (MIRI director) for recommending the book and to Jonah Sinick for sending me his notes on the book. Neither of them have vetted this post.
Quote dump
To keep the main post short, I'm publishing a dump of relevant quotes from the book separately, in a quote dump post.