Adaptation Executors

Applied to Not another bias! by Lionel ago

If we regarded human taste buds as trying to maximize fitness, we might expect that, say, humans fed a diet too high in calories and too low in micronutrients,micronutrients would begin to find lettuce delicious,delicious and cheeseburgers distasteful. But it is better to regard taste buds as an executing adaptation - they are adapted to an ancestral environment in which calories, not micronutrients, were the limiting factor. And now they are simply executing that adaptation - evolution operates on too slow a timescale to re-adapt to such a recent condition.

Modeling biological systems as Adaption Executors is a central principle of evolutionary biology in general, and evolutionary psychology in particular.

Modeling biological systems as **Adaption Executors ** is central principle of evolutionary biology in general, and evolutionary psychology in particular.

Modeling biological systems as **Adaption Executors ** is central principle of evolutionary biology in general, and evolutionary psychology in particular.

Applied to Religion as Goodhart by Multicore ago