Consensus Policy Improvements

A list of policies that most of the community agrees would be a good idea to implement.implement and an estimate of the benefit in $ if the US implemented them.


  • Cash benchmarketing - comparing a policy to giving the relevant people it's meant to help, cash
  • Carbon tax
  • $100k long-term visa where the money goes directly to current citizens
  • Central banks being independent rather than directly controlled by politicians

  • Cash benchmarketing - comparing a policy to giving the people it's meant to help, cash
  • Carbon tax
  • $100k long-term visa where the money goes directly to current citizens
  • Central banks being independent rather than directly controlled by politicians 

Carbon tax

  • Cash benchmarketing - comparing a policy to giving the people it's meant to help, cash
  • Carbon tax
  • $100k long-term visa where the money goes directly to current citizens
  • Central banks being independent rather than directly controlled by politicians

A list of policies whichthat most of the community agrees would be a good idea to impment.implement.

  • Cash benchmarketing - comparing a policy to giving the people it's meant to help, cash
  • Carbon tax
  • $100k long-term visa where the money goes directly to current citizens

A list of policies which most of the community agrees would be a good idea to impment.

Created by Nathan Young at