Five minute timers

Applied to Thinking By The Clock by Unnamed ago
Applied to The Third Alternative by Unnamed ago
Applied to Puzzle Cycles by Screwtape ago

Five minute timers. Sometimes, all you need to solve an impossible problem is to actually think for 5 minutes. (Sometimes it is actually 15 minutes, or two hours. But, the first five minutes is helpful for transforming it from an inpenetrableimpenetrable ugh field to a tractable problem)

Applied to Resolve Cycles by Virix ago
Applied to Show LW: by Adam Zerner ago
Applied to 5-minute timer tool by Multicore ago
Applied to Yoda Timers 3: Speed by Raemon ago
Applied to Yoda Timers 2 by Raemon ago
Applied to Hammertime Day 4: Design by Raemon ago

Five minute timers. Sometimes, all you need to solve an impossible problem is to actually think for 5 minutes. (Sometimes it is actually 15 minutes, or two hours. But, the first five minutes is helpful for transforming it from an inpenetrable ugh field to a tractable problem)

Sometimes called Yoda timers. (A timebox wherein you Actually Try)

Created by Raemon at