Here are my five minutes: nanomachines need to carry a charge to be accelerable, right? Well, it works the other way too - they will decelerate on their own in destination's Van Allen belts.
That's why I'm asking how much. How much money do you want? As in, total.
The reason is that the pay-per-download model is detrimental for LessWrong's goals. As DSimon said, we want as many people as possible to be exposed to LW ideas. People who haven't heard of LW, people who would never themselves pay for such content. But I want your podcasts be played on the radio.
Instead I propose the Kickstarter model - you name your price, the LW crowd raises the money, you then have no problem giving copies away for free because you've already been paid.
After two years of bronydom, I dreamed of ponies for the first time after reading this fic. So that's a 10 out of 10. I'm reminded of Eliezer's warning about imagining worlds so much better than reality that the act sucks out your soul.
In case you're interested in suggestions for improvement: