Wiki Contributions


Great post. I wonder how to determine what is a "reasonable" maximum epsilon to use in the adversarial training. Does performance on normal examples get worse as epsilon increases?

For small round things and holes, maybe it's related to the digit 0 being small, round, and having a hole, while also being a similar kind of empty/null case as the empty string?

IIRC the same encounters are present at the macro level - eg which enemies and cards are available. But there's still a luck element there as one player may choose to go left and the other right, without either direction giving evidence in advance about which has better rewards.

Seconding Slay the Spire, though it might be slightly too easy to win on the first attempt (I did and I'm not a god gamer). An advantage of StS is that you can specify the RNG seed, so you could give everyone the same test.

FTL (another roguelite) on easy difficulty also might work, though it's realtime with pause which might be tricky for less experienced gamers.

Both of these are games that benefit a lot from thoughtfulness and careful risk management.

Personally I'm enjoying Palworld (playing for "free" on Game Pass) and I doubt it would have kept such a high level of concurrent players/interest even after a few days if it wasn't fun at all and only a marketing gimmick. It's a case where the whole of the core gameplay loop is more appealing than you'd think by just looking at the somewhat incongruous collection of parts. (How long the fun lasts is another question).


edit: I'd agree that the CEO may be overstating how much of a "genius" his employees are but I do think the pal designs are pretty good if not especially original. And the post seems to be more about his relief and gratitude at getting a difficult project over the line rather than objective claims.

If you hire UI designers they have to do something to justify their salaries. If the existing UI can't be easily improved any further, they will instead make it worse.

Also I agree that the above mentioned marginal user thing is significant.

Say that in each case where a Beauty and a Visitor meet each other, a wild Bookmaker appears and offers each of them a chance to bet on what was the outcome of the coinflip. If they have different subjective odds then they will choose to make different bets (depending on the odds offered) and one will be more profitable than the other - so in that sense at least one of them is wrong. Or am I missing something?

I've mostly heard people talking about l-theanine as something to complement caffeine rather than to take by itself.

The question is too broad to give a non-boring answer without knowing a bit more about you and your circumstances.

What is the hardest part of AI alignment?

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