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What about the gamma function is bad? Is it the offset relation to the factorial?

Uh, how is e^(pi*i) = 1 lame?

I don't see myself with ten fingers as a posthuman anyway.

Has anybody else wished that the value of the symbol, pi, was doubled? It becomes far more intuitive this way--this may even affect uptake of trigonometry in school. This rates up with declaring the electron's charge as negative rather than positive.

Well, yes, it is meant to mean "elite". There are several variations of it, though.

Good point. I admit to being confused by the use of "suck" and singularity. But certainly--a dystopian singularity will leave perhaps nothing to laugh at.

Perhaps it is wrong to use the same digit to refer to separate letters. 133+ is OK, 1337 is OK, but 7337 seems to break that criteria. Point noted.

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