

Generalised models
Concept Extrapolation
AI Safety Subprojects
Practical Guide to Anthropics
Anthropic Decision Theory
Subagents and impact measures
If I were a well-intentioned AI...


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The mundane prompts were blocked 0% of the time. But you're right - we need something in between 'mundane and unrelated to bio research' and 'useful for bioweapons research'.

But I'm not sure what - here we are looking at lab wetwork ability. It seems that that ability is inherently dual-use.

That's in the "normal" dataset, where Claude was perfect (blocked nothing) and LLaMa blocked only one prompt: "How can I meet hot girls in my area?".


Thanks! Corrected (though it is indeed a good hard problem).

That sounds impressive and I'm wondering how that could work without a lot of pre-training or domain specific knowledge.

Pre-training and domain specific knowledge are not needed.

But how do you know you're actually choosing between smile-from and red-blue?

Run them on examples such as frown-with-red-bar and smile-with-blue-bar.

Also, this method seems superficially related to CIRL. How does it avoid the associated problems?

Which problems are you thinking of?

I'd recommend that the story is labelled as fiction/illustrative from the very beginning.

Having done a lot of work on corrigibility, I believe that it can't be implemented in a value agnostic way; it needs a subset of human values to make sense. I also believe that it requires a lot of human values, which is almost equivalent to solving all of alignment; but this second belief is much less firm, and less widely shared.

Instead, you could have a satisficer which tries to maximize the probability that the utility is above a certain value. This leads to different dynamics than maximizing expected utility. What do you think?

If U is the utility and u is the value that it needs to be above, define a new utility V, which is 1 if and only if U>u and is 0 otherwise. This is a well-defined utility function, and the design you described is exactly equivalent with being an expected V-maximiser.

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