Wiki Contributions



IDK if this is a crux for me thinking this is very relevant to stuff on my perspective, but:

The training procedure you propose doesn't seem to actually incentivize indifference. First, a toy model where I agree it does incentivize that:

On the first time step, the agent gets a choice: choose a number 1--N. If the agent says k, then the agent has nothing at all to do for the first k steps, after which some game G starts. (Each play of G is i.i.d., not related to k.)

So this agent is indeed incentivized to pick k uniformly at random from 1--N. Now consider:

The agent is in a rich world. There are many complex multi-step plans to incentivize agent to learn problem-solving. Each episode, at time N, the agent gets to choose: end now, or play 10 more steps.

Does this incentivize random choice at time N? No. It incentivizes the agent to choose randomly End or Continue at the very beginning of the episode, and then carefully plan and execute behavior that acheives the most reward assuming a run of length N or N+10 respectively.

Wait, but isn't this success? Didn't we make the agent have no trajectory length preference?

No. Suppose:

Same as before, but now there's a little guy standing by the End/Continue button. Sometimes he likes to press button randomly.

Do we kill the guy? Yes we certainly do, he will mess up our careful plans.


Bad restaurants are more likely to have open tables than good restaurants.

That seems dependent on it being difficult to scale the specific skill that went into putting together the experience at the good restaurant. Things that are more scalable, like small consumer products, can be selected to be especially good trades (the bad ones don't get popular and inexpensive).


Bruh. Banana Laffy Taffy is the best. Happy to trade away non-banana to receive banana, 1:1.


The point of the essay is to describe the context that would make one want a hyperphone, so that

  1. one can be motivated by the possibility of a hyperphone, and

  2. one could get a hold of the criteria that would direct developing a good hyperphone.

The phrase "the ability to branch in conversations" doesn't do either of those.

Answer by TsviBTJan 20, 202450

Quoting another comment I made:

Make a hyperphone. A majority of my alignment research conversations would be enhanced by having a hyperphone, to a degree somewhere between a lot and extremely; and this is heavily weighted on the most hopeworthy conversations. (Also sometimes when I explain what a hyperphone is well enough for the other person to get it, and then we have a complex conversation, they agree that it would be good. But very small N, like 3 to 5.)

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