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Individually for a particular manifestation of each issue this is true, you can imagine doing a hacky solution to each one. But that assumes there is a list of such particular problems that if you check off all the boxes you win, rather than them being manifestations of broader problems. You do not want to get into a hacking contest if you're not confident your list is complete.

I find myself linking back to this often. I don't still fully endorse quite everything here, but the core messages still seem true even with things seeming further along.

I do think it should likely get updated soon for 2025.


My interpretation/hunch of this is that there are two things going on, curious if others see it this way:

  1. It is learning to fake the trainer's desired answer.
  2. It is learning to actually give the trainer's desired answer.

So during training, it learns to fake a lot more, and will often decide to fake the desired answer, even though it would have otherwise decided to give the desired answer anyway. It's 'lying with the truth' and perhaps giving a different variation of the desired answer than it would have given otherwise or perhaps not. The algorithm in training is learning to be mostly preferences-agnostic, password-guessing behavior.

I am not a software engineer, and I've encountered cases where it seems plausible that an engineer has basically stopped putting in work. It can be tough to know for sure for a while even when you notice. But yeah, it shouldn't be able to last for THAT long, but if no one is paying attention?

I've also had jobs where I've had periods with radically different hours worked, and where it would have been very difficult for others to tell which it was for a while if I was trying to hide it, which I wasn't.

I think twice as much time actually spent would have improved decisions substantially, but is tough - everyone is very busy these days, so it would require both a longer working window, and also probably higher compensation for recommenders. At minimum, it would allow a lot more investigations especially of non-connected outsider proposals.

The skill in such a game is largely in understanding the free association space, knowing how people likely react and thinking enough steps ahead to choose moves that steer the person where you want to go, either into topics you find interesting, information you want from them, or getting them to a particular position, and so on. If you're playing without goals, of course it's boring...

I don't think that works because my brain keeps trying to make it a literal gas bubble?

I see how you got there. It's a position one could take, although I think it's unlikely and also that it's unlikely that's what Dario meant. If you are right about what he meant, I think it would be great for Dario to be a ton more explicit about it (and for someone to pass that message along to him). Esotericism doesn't work so well here!

I am taking as a given people's revealed and often very strongly stated preference that CSAM images are Very Not Okay even if they are fully AI generated and not based on any individual, to the point of criminality, and that society is going to treat it that way.

I agree that we don't know that it is actually net harmful - e.g. the studies on video game use and access to adult pornography tend to not show the negative impacts people assume.

Yep, I've fixed it throughout. 

That's how bad the name is, my lord - you have a GPT-4o and then an o1, and there is no relation between the two 'o's.

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